Informatisches Colloquium Hamburg
Wenn nicht anders angegeben, finden die Vorträge montags um 17.15 Uhr im Informatikum, Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal, Gebäude B, Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, Hamburg-Stellingen statt.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann de Meer
Chair of Computer Networks & Communications
University of Passau, Germany

Self-Organization: Hype or Key Technology?

Self-organization is closely related to so-called emergent properties that are based on the interaction of local components and are governed by rules using local information only. Autonomous operation should thus achieve order from greater randomness and should converge to a coherent and function whole. The convergence should be based on responses to local stimuli, should support division of labor for the overall good and should be adaptive for more efficient goal orientation. While this all sounds appealing for organizing large scale and complex systems it is far from clear how these concepts can be effectively used to implement and to exercise a comprehensive control mechanism.

Prof. Dr. Walther von Hahn
Telefon +49 40 42883 2434