Informatisches Kolloquium Sommersemester 2006

Montag, 3. Juli 2006
um 17 Uhr c.t. Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30 Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal Gebäude B

Dr. Pontus Svenson
Department of Data and Information Fusion
Swedish Defense Research Agency

Information fusion research for European Battle Group

In this talk, I will present ongoing research in information fusion aimed at supporting the Nordic Battle Group. Information fusion is the name given to the higher levels of data fusion. It deals with creating tools that help commanders and analysts achieve situational awareness and plan their future actions. One goal of information fusion is to find the relations between entities on the battlefield. By creating relations between observed hostile forces and protection-objects, commanders can be notified about the most likely future actions of the enemies. I will discuss how such relations can be created by analysing the capabilities of observed entities and comparing them to known vulnerabilities. I will also talk about methods that use bayesian networks for threat analysis, simulation-based methods for resource and sensor management, and give a short introduction to social network analysis and its uses in information fusion. In addition, I will describe the MilWiki concept which was recently tested at the Swedish Network-based Defence exercise Spring 06.


Prof. Dr. Walther von Hahn
Telefon +49 40 42883 2434