Informatisches Colloquium Hamburg
Wenn nicht anders angegeben, finden die Vorträge montags um 17.15 Uhr im Informatikum, Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal, Gebäude B, Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, Hamburg-Stellingen statt.

Tesfaye Biru, Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Nega Alemayehu, College of Information Technology, Addis Ababa
Darge Wole, University of Addis Ababa

Research and Teaching around Information Technology in Ethiopia

The overall aim of the lecture is to present the Ethiopian preconditions for a possible cooperation with the department of Informatics in Hamburg. The talk will highlight the major ICT initiatives in Ethiopia. It will cover existing ICT academic programs, new establishments, research efforts and future direction. It will also provide some information regarding the teaching of mathematics and IT in high schools.

Ethiopia has recently identified ICT as a distinguishing imperative in the effort: to fight poverty that kills, to mainstream ICT to enhance services and to unfold the information economy. All ICT initiatives are guided by a national ICT capacity building program, notably the deployment of broadband infrastructure nationwide and the expansion of IT in public and private schools. The focus on ICT requires the development of professional manpower as well as conducting research in the field by strengthening existing university programs and establishing new ones. The Graduate School of Telecommunications and Information Technology is one such new initiative. University education in ICT builds on school education in mathematics and IT. Mathematics has been a subject of major emphasis in Ethiopian high schools for many decades. In recent years, Information Technology has been added to the curriculum. Information about the teaching and learning conditions of the two subjects in high schools, particularly about the associated problems, will be presented.

Dieses Kolloquium findet im Rahmen der Verhandlungen über eine mögliche Kooperation mit dem Fachbereich Informatik statt.
Prof. Dr. Christiane Floyd
Telefon +49 40 42883 2415