Informatisches Kolloquium Wintersemester 2006/2007

Montag, 8. Januar 2007

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka
Universität Bremen

Context in Multimodal Information Systems

Ubiquitous Web access and access to information services for mobile users is not only a question of connectivity and mobile network protocols. Since classical interfaces such as large displays, keyboard and mouse are not available, more intelligent systems are needed for adequate access to information. Ideally, such systems should adapt to the user and allow for multimodal access to the Internet. Thus, information systems for mobile users need additional context information for delivering services that adapt to the user's situation. In simple systems, this additional context is just given as geographic coordinates. For more complex and intelligent systems, more detailed models of both the spatial context and user situations are needed. The talk will present some present research work on rich semantic services for mobile users.


Prof. Dr. Ch. Habel
Telefon 2417