Einladung zur öffentlichen Disputation

von Herrn M.Sc. Julian M. Kunkel

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013, 16 Uhr c.t.

DKRZ, Bundesstraße 45a, Raum R034 (EG)

“Simulation of Parallel Programs on Application and System Level"”


The goal of high-performance computing is a fast execution of applications. In order to increase utilization of hardware resources, a rich variety of optimization strategies is implemented in both hardware and software layers. The interactions of these strategies, however, result in very complex systems. This complexity makes assessing and understanding the measured performance of parallel applications in real systems exceedingly difficult.

In this thesis an innovative event-driven simulator for MPI-IO applications and underlying heterogeneous cluster computers is developed which can help us to assess measured performance. The simulator allows conducting MPI-IO application runs in silico, including the detailed simulations of collective communication patterns, parallel I/O and cluster hardware configurations. In addition to the simulator, the comprehensive tracing environment HDTrace is presented.

HDTrace offers novel capabilities in analyzing parallel I/O. For example, it allows the internal behavior of MPI and the parallel file system PVFS to be traced. While PIOsimHD replays traced behavior of applications on arbitrary virtual cluster environments, in conjunction with HDTrace it is a powerful tool for localizing inefficiencies, conducting research on optimizations for communication algorithms, and evaluating arbitrary and future systems.

Comprehensive experiments illustrate how simulation aids in localizing bottlenecks in parallel file system, MPI and hardware, and how it fosters understanding of system behavior. Additional experiments demonstrate the suitability of the novel tools for developing and evaluating alternative MPI and I/O algorithms.

In summary, the combination of the enhanced tracing environment and a novel simulator offers unprecedented insights into interactions between application, communication library, file system and hardware.

(Lecture in German / Vortrag auf Deutsch)

Alle Mitglieder des Fachbereichs Informatik sind zu dieser öffentlichen Veranstaltung herzlich eingeladen.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Ritter
Vorsitzender des Promotionsprüfungsausschusses