Current News
- 2019-02-11
- The oral examinations take place in my office (G-229).
- 2019-01-14
- The fifth exercise sheet is available for download.
- 2019-01-09
- Remember that there will be no lectures on January 14th and January 16th.
- 2019-01-07
- See exam to find your assigned time slot for the oral examination as well as an overview of the points achieved on the exercise sheets.
- 2018-12-19
- Please see the remarks on the exam and the organizational slides for details on the oral examination for the module. Also, the fourth exercise sheet is available for download.
- 2018-12-03
- The third exercise sheet is available for download.
- 2018-11-21
- There was a typo in Definition 3.5 of the lecture, which also affected Exercise 3 of Sheet 2. Both the slides and the exercise sheet have been corrected.
- 2018-11-14
- The second exercise sheet is available for download.
- 2018-11-07
- The next exercie sheet will appear next week Wednesday, November 14th.
- 2018-11-05
- The lecture on Wednesday, November 7th is canceled due to the Dies Academicus.
- 2018-10-29
- If you have not yet found a group of 3 to 4 people to submit your homework with, drop me an email(peter.kling"AT" Also, if you are willing to digitalize your notes from the lecture (definitions, proofs, …) on one or two days in the semester, let me also know(peter.kling"AT"
- 2018-10-22
- The first exercise sheet is available for download. Also, note the updated seminar schedules.
- 2018-10-22
- A preliminary seminar schedule is now online, see here for Group 1 and here for Group 2. The schedule will be finalized on Wednesday morning, but changes should be slight and will be mentioned during the lecture.
- 2018-10-17
- The first four seminar topics are given to Rainer Jürgensen, Thorsten Lüdtke, Tjark Saul und Victoria Wagner. Everybody else please remember to send me(peter.kling"AT" your seminar topic whishes until Friday!
- 2018-10-15
- Starting on October 17th, the lecture takes place in F-132. Remember to take a look at the seminar topics and to send me(peter.kling"AT" your topic preferences.
- 2018-10-14
- The lecture starts tomorrow, October 15th, 08:15 in G-203. The organization of the seminar is discussed during the lecture. There will be no seminar this or next week. The Monday seminar starts (probably) October 29th. The Wednesday seminar starts (probably) November 7th.
General Information
- Lecturers:
- Prof. Dr. Peter Kling (lecture + seminar)
- Prof. Dr. Petra Berenbrink (lecture + seminar)
- Christoph Damerius (seminar)
- Time & Place:
- Lecture
- Mondays, 08:15 - 09:45 in F-132
- Wednesdays, 08:15 - 09:45 in F-132
- Seminar
- Mondays, 10:15 - 11:45 in G-203 (starts October 29th)
- Wednesdays, 10:15 - 11:45 in G-203 (starts November 14th)
- Lecture
Slides will be made available after the lecture.
- 00 – Organization
- last updated 2019-01-07
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 01 – Introduction
- last updated 2018-11-05
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 02 – Introduction
- last updated 2018-11-12
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 03 – Private-Key Encryption
- last updated 2018-11-28
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 04 – Message Authentication Codes
- last updated 2019-01-09
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 05 – One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates
- last updated 2019-01-28
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
- 06 – Course Conclusion
- last updated 2019-01-30
- PPTX (original)
- PDF (converted)
A collection of possible seminar topics is provided as a PDF. The schedule for the two seminar groups can be found here for Group 1 and here for Group 2.
Topics that are marked green will be assigned the first four seminar slots (Monday, October 29th and Monday, November 5th). If you are interested in one of these, write an email with the subject “[Kryp] Early Topic” to Peter Kling(peter.kling"AT" until Tuesday night (October 16th).
Topics that are marked yellow are likely (but not guaranteed) to be assigned to early dates (before December). Unmarked topics can be assigned both before and after December. You can send up to three topic wishes via email to Peter Kling(peter.kling"AT" until Friday night (October 19th). Use the subject “[Kryp] Seminar Topic” and make sure to clearly mark your preference and to include the topic number.
Student Slides
- 2018-12-05 Patrick Krause – Timing Attacks on SSH
- 2018-12-10 Timo Frühbrodt – Timing Attacks
- 2019-01-01 Benjamin Warnke – Modern Stream Ciphers
- 2019-01-25 Melvin Gundlach – Differential Privacy
- 2019-01-31 Levente Schoenherr – Gaining Root-privileges with a Hair-drier
- 2019-02-01 Lorna Maiwald – Einführung in das RSA-Verfahren
There are two blocks for oral examinations:
- Block 1: February 11th (Monday) to February 14th (Thursday)
- Block 2: March 18th (Monday) to March 22th (Friday)
- Assignment of Exam Slots:
- Exercise Points & Bonus:
- remember that you need at least 40% of all exercise sheet points to pass the module
- remember that you need at least 80% of all exercise sheet points to get the exercise bonus
- an overview of the achieved points can be found here
- Final Registration:
- (once you are assigned a time slot)
- fill out this form and hand it in
- to me or my team assistant Katrin Köster
- must be handed in a least 7 days before your scheduled time slot
Exercise Sheets
Graded exercise sheets appear here approximately every second week. Hand in is during the lecture (in groups of 3 to 4 people!). Solutions to selected exercises are presented and discussed by students during the lecture slot.
- Exercise Sheet 1
- last updated 2018-10-29
- Exercise Sheet 2
- last updated 2018-11-21
- Exercise Sheet 3
- last updated 2018-12-03
- Exercise Sheet 4
- last updated 2018-12-19
- Exercise Sheet 5
- last updated 2019-01-14
- Solution Hints & Sketches
This course is based on the following book:
- Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell. 2015. Introduction to Modern Cryptography. Second Edition.
Additional material will be provided during the lecture and seminar.