Current News
- 2020-01-29
- I added new PDFs that contain all slides for each chapter of the lecture, see below.
- 2020-01-28
- You can find a solution sketch for the sixth exercise sheet below.
- 2020-01-23
- A preliminary seminar schedule can be found below.
- 2020-01-12
- The sixth (and final) exercise sheet is now available for download.
- 2020-01-08
- The assignments of exam slots can be found here here (Block 1) and here (Block 2).
- 2019-12-13
- You can find a solution sketch for the fourth exercise sheet below.
- 2019-12-09
- The fifth exercise sheet is now available for download. Also, I updated the information about the block seminar.Also, remember to send me your prefered block for the oral examination until Christmas, as described below.
- 2019-12-02
- The current exercise sheet got a minor update, see download. Just some notational clarifications.
- 2019-11-26
- The fourth exercise sheet is now available for download.
- 2019-11-12
- The third exercise sheet is now available for download.
- 2019-10-28
- The second exercise sheet is now available for download.
- 2019-10-23
- The assignment of students to seminar topics is now available, see below.
- 2019-10-17
- The first exercise sheet is now available for download.
- 2019-10-15
- If you missed the first lecture, drop me an email(peter.kling"AT"[Kryp] Missed First Lecture) in order to get access to the relevant organizational information.
- 2019-10-10
- On October 17th (Thursday), the lecture takes place in B-201 (Konrad Zuse Hörsaal).
- 2019-07-23
- Website under construction. Course Details will follow. If you have questions, send an email to Peter Kling(peter.kling"AT"[Kryp] Question Topic).
General Information
- Lecturers:
- Prof. Dr. Peter Kling (lecture + integrated tutorial)
- Christoph Damerius (seminar)
- Felix Biermeier (seminar)
- Time & Place:
- Lecture
- Mondays, 08:15 - 09:45 in F-132
- Thursdays, 08:15 - 09:45 in F-132
- Seminar
- Block Seminar: February 4th (Tuesday) and February 6th (Thursday), both days from 9am to 4pm
- Lecture
Slides are typically available after the corresponding lecture. If not stated otherwise, chapter references refer to the book "J. Katz, Y. Lindell. Introduction to Modern Cryptography. 2nd Edition".
Full Slide Sets
- Chapter 0 – Organization
- Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Chapter 2 – Perfectly Secret Encryption
- Chapter 3 – Private-Key Encryption
- Chapter 4 – Message Authentication Codes
- Chapter 5 – One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates
- Chapter 6 – Course Conclusion
Slide Sets as Seen in the Lecture
- 2019-10-14
- Organization
- Introduction (Chapters 1.1 to 1.3, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-10-17
- Introduction (Chapters 1.3 to 1.4, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-10-21
- Introduction (Chapter 1.4, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- Perfectly Secret Encryption (Chapter 2.1, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-10-24
- Perfectly Secret Encryption (Chapter 2)
- 2019-10-28
- rest of Perfectly Secret Encryption (see last lecture for slides)
- 2019-11-04
- Private-key Encryption (Chapters 3.1 to 3.2, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-07
- Integrated Exercise & Private-key Encryption (Chapter 3.2, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-11
- Private-key Encryption (Chapters 3.2 to 3.3, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-14
- Private-key Encryption (Chapter 3.3, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-18
- Private-key Encryption (Chapters 3.4 to 3.5, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-21
- Private-key Encryption (Chapter 3.5, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-11-25
- discussion of third exercise sheet
- 2019-11-28
- Private-key Encryption (Chapter 3.6, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-12-02
- Private-key Encryption (Chapter 3.7, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- Message Authentication Codes (Chapters 4.1 to 4.2, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-12-05
- Message Authentication Codes (Chapters 4.2 to 4.3, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-12-09
- Message Authentication Codes (Chapters 4.3 to 4.4, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-12-12
- discussion of fourth exercise sheet
- 2019-12-16
- Message Authentication Codes (Chapter 4.4, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2019-12-19
- finished proof from last time
- 2020-01-06
- discussion of fifth exercise sheet
- 2020-01-09
- Message Authentication Codes (Chapter 4.5, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2020-01-13
- finish MACs (Chapter 4.5, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates (Chapter 7.1, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2020-01-16
- One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates (Chapters 7.1 to 7.2, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2020-01-20
- One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates (Chapter 7.3, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2020-01-23
- One-way Functions & Hard-core Predicates (Chapters 7.3 to 7.4, Introduction to Modern Cryptography)
- 2020-01-27
- discussion of sixth exercise sheet
- 2020-01-30 (upcoming)
- Overview, Questions, and Advertisements
A collection of possible seminar topics is provided as a PDF. The assignment of students to seminar topics can be found here.
You can send up to three topic wishes via email to Christoph Damerius(christoph.damerius"AT"[Kryp] Seminar Topic) until Sunday night (October 20th). Use the subject “[Kryp] Seminar Topic” and make sure to clearly mark your preference and to include the topic number.
Further details are discussed during the first lecture (see also the corresponding slides).
The block seminar takes place on February 4th (Tuesday) and February 6th (Thursday) from 9 am to 4 pm. A (preliminary) schedule can be found here.
Student Slides
- Leroy Bartel - Sniffing Passwords with a Microphone
- Michael Blesel - Hash Functions 1
- Tanja Flemming - Format Preserving Encryption
- Johannes Hedicke - How not to do it: Wired Equivalent Privac (WEP)
- Lukas Hintze - Differential Privacy
- Yannik Höfgen - Uncovering Spoken Phrases in Encrypted VoIP Conversations
- Anna Lepak - Entschlüsselung der Enigma Maschine
- Jan Stenzel - Cryptography and Game Theory
- Hauke Stiehler - From Block Ciphers to SHA-1
- Tim Pietz - Order Preserving Encryption (PPTX)
- August See - Buffer Overflows
- Jan Synwoldt - Planning a Jailbreak
- Leonie van der Veen - Historical Stream Ciphers (PPTX)
- Fabio Wendt - Mental Poker
There are two blocks for oral examinations:
- Block 1: February 10th (Monday) to February 14th (Friday)
- Block 2: March 24th (Tuesday) to March 27th (Friday)
- Assignment of Exam Slots ("Preregistration"):
- send me(peter.kling"AT"[Kryp] Exam Block Request) your preference (Block 1, Block 2, no preference) until December 24th
- you will be assigned a final examination slot (day and time) until January 6th
- Final Registration:
- (once you are assigned a time slot)
- fill out this form and hand it in
- to me or my team assistant Katrin Köster
- must be handed in a least 7 days before your scheduled time slot
Exercise Sheets
Exercise sheets appear here approximately every second week. Solutions to selected exercises are presented and discussed by students during the lecture slot. Further details are discussed during the first lecture.
- Exercise Sheet 1 (last updated 2019-10-17)
- Exercise Sheet 2 (last updated 2019-10-28)
- Exercise Sheet 3 (last updated 2019-11-12)
- Exercise Sheet 4 (last updated 2019-11-26)
- Exercise Sheet 5 (last updated 2019-12-09)
- Exercise Sheet 6 (last updated 2020-01-12)
This course is based on the following book:
- Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell. 2015. Introduction to Modern Cryptography. Second Edition.
Additional material will be provided during the lecture and seminar.