New team member - CedricCedric Möller
6 September 2021, by David Mosteller

Photo: privat/Cedric Möller
I am Cedric, a research associate in the Semantic Systems Group. I started in August and am pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg.
Before joining Hamburg, I studied computer science at the TU Dresden. After earning my degree, I was employed at Fraunhofer IAIS in Dresden and part of the Smart Data Analytics group. There, I mainly worked on dialog systems and information extraction approaches.
My main research interests lie in the topics of knowledge graphs (especially Wikidata), information/knowledge extraction and natural language understanding in general. Additionally, as a secondary interest, I am also fascinated by the subject of combining the aforementioned topics and quantum computing.
Besides working on my Ph.D., I will be responsible for exercises and help with lectures, offered at the University of Hamburg.
I look forward to seeing you on campus!