Welcome to the home page of the Image Processing Research Group (BV) at the University of Hamburg.
Professor H. Siegfried Stiehl was member of Cognitive Systems research group until 2010 and later head of Image Processing research group (both at Department of Informatics within Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences at Universität Hamburg) until retiring age in 2016. Subsequently - as PI of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre "Manuscript Cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe" 2015-2019 - he attained Senior Professor status then renewed until September 2021.
His research activities bestride theory and praxis of computational neuroscience of the visual system, medical image computing in neuroradiology/surgery and computational manuscript research (c.f. https://dblp.org/pid/s/HSiegfriedStiehl.html) from an interdisciplinary perspective. Recently he also got involved in bridging Law and Informatics with emphasis on the future impact of machine learning (see News 2020-2023).