Bachelor's Theses
Dominik Hauser (2021)
Detektion gekrümmter linienartiger Texturen in digitalisierten Dokumenten mithilfe von Gabor-Filtern
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: C. Kassens
Max Lier (2021)
Realisierung eines Prototyps zur Bestimmung der Koordinaten von Verkehrsschildern auf Basis von georeferenzierten 360o Panoramabildern
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. M. Weser
Larissa Rutzen (2020)
Development and Evaluation of an Invoice Analysis System based on Machine Learning with Object Detection Networks
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. T. Baumann
Skadi Jule Dinter (2020)
Reverse Engineering of a Legacy Open-Source Visualization Tool: The Case of Met.3D
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: V. R. Sampath
Marlon Kramer (2019)
Baseline Performance Characterization of SIFT and FAST using synthetic imagery
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: V. R. Sampath
Nico Noster (2019)
Visualizing SIFT and FAST based Workflow
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: V. R. Sampath
Michael Woei Kang Huang (2019)
Gamification of Japanese Scripts with Kana Sensei
1st supervisor: V. R. Sampath, 2nd supervisor: H. S. Stiehl
Kevin Amoah (2019)
Optimizing a Fantasy Basketball Line-up: An Interactive Exploration of NBA Stats
1st supervisor: V. R. Sampath, 2nd supervisor: H. S. Stiehl
Master's Theses
Dominik Hauser (September 2023)
"From digitized watermarks in music manuscripts to binary point clouds" (working title)
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. G. Koliander, ÖAW, Wien
Larissa Rutzen (September 2023)
"Information Extraction from Historical Registers: A Systematic Analysis of Matriculation Books as a Use Case"
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. L. Hotz, HITeC
Christopher Kassens (2020)
Gabor Wavelets based Detection and Description of Repetitive Line-like Textures in Digitized Documents: Theory and Experiments
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: V. R. Sampath
Parth Sarthi Pandey (2020)
An Interactive Experimental System for Computational Analysis of charaktêres Using Visual Programming
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: V. R. Sampath
Tim Christopher Hahn (2019)
Computational Analysis of Characteres in Digitized Manuscripts: A Proof of Concept
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. Michael Kohs, Faculty of Humanities
Matthis Hauschild (2016)
Design and realization of a browser-based system for the analysis of digitized manuscripts
1st supervisor: H. S. Stiehl, 2nd supervisor: Dr. Benjamin Seppke
Doctoral Dissertations
Jonas Luft (September 2023)
"Automatische Georeferenzierung von Altkarten (Automatic Georeferencing of Historical Maps)"
Dissertation, HafenCity University (HCU) Hamburg
Joint Supervision: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiewe, Geo-Informatics and Geo-Visualization Lab, HCU Hamburg and Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Siegfried Stiehl
Alessio Azzutti (Fall 2023)
"Artificial Intelligence and Market Manipulation: Challenges in the Governance of Algorithmic Trading and the Regulation of Market Conduct"
Dissertation, Faculty of Law
Joint Supervision: Prof. Dr. Wolf-Georg Ringe, Faculty of Law and Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Siegfried Stiehl, Department of Informatics
Jasper Ulenaers (approx. spring/summer 2023)
"Protecting Children's Rights from and Empowering Children through Artificial Intelligence: Some Novel Perspectives on the Interplay of Technology, Law, and Society"
Dissertation, Faculty of Law
Joint Supervision: Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, LL.M. (Duke University), Faculty of Law and Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Siegfried Stiehl
Esther Dietrich (submitted; spring 2023)
"Deep learning-based discrete-time survival prediction on prostate cancer histopathology images"
Dissertation, Department of Informatics
Joint Supervison: Prof. Stefan Bonn, Institute of Medical Systems Biology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg (ZMNH), University Hospital Eppendorf (UKE) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Siegfried Stiehl
Hussein Adnan Mohammed (2019)
Computational Analysis of Writing Style in Digitised Manuscripts
Dissertation, Department of Informatics
1st evaluator: H. S. Stiehl
2nd evaluator: V. Maergner
3rd evaluator: N. Vincent
See also: Handwriting Analysis Tool v3.0 (HAT3)
Rainer Herzog (2018)
Ein generischer Ansatz zur digitalen Layoutanalyse von Manuskripten
Dissertation, Department of Informatics
1st evaluator: B. Neumann
2nd evaluator: H. S. Stiehl
3rd evaluator: L. Dreschler-Fischer