Diplom-Geograph Jonathan Otto
Photo: UHH/CSEd/Otto
Research associate
Research interests
Computer Science Education in non-CS curricula
Didactics of Geographical Information Systems/Spatial Information Science
Empirical education research
Teaching (since summer term 2016)
Summer Term 2016: Geographische Informationssysteme zur Vermittlung Digitaler Bildung im Kontext der Geographie
Summer Term 2016: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
TEICHERT, W., OTTO, J. (2016): Digital Mapping – Ein Lehrportal zu geographischen Informationssystemen, GIS. In: Synergie – Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung der Lehre 02/2016 S. 78 - 79
KUCKUCK, M., DITTRICH, S., OTTO, J. (2016): Mobiles ortsbezogenes Lernen – Globalisierung in deutschen Innenstädten. In: Praxis Geographie 01/16 S. 56 - 57
HOOGEN, A., OTTO, J., VON REUMONT, F. (2015): Gute Vorbereitung ist halbe Gefährdung – Eine GIS-basierte Gefährdungs- und Vulnerabilitätsanalyse Japans. In: Praxis Geographie 10/15, S. 10 - 15
RAICHLE, N.; VOSS, K.; OTTO, J. u. MICHEL, U. (2014): Den urbanen Raum erkunden - Die Eignung städtischer Räume in Bezug auf Daseinsgrundfunktionen mit dem Smartphone bewerten. In: Praxis Geographie 07/14
Computing and Climate Change Education with Geographical Information Systems - A Educational Design Approach. Colloquium for Teaching and Learning at the "Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL) der Universität Hamburg", 17.05.2016
Computing and Climate Change Education with Geographical Information Systems (CC-GIS)
Forschendes Lernen mit Geographischen Informationssystemen im Kontext von Klimawandel (FleGIS-KK)
Jonathan Otto started in February 2016 as a Research Associate in the Computer Science Education Research Group and is working on his PHD. From 2004 until 2010 he successfully completed his Diplom in Geography at the Universität Hamburg and completed a University Certificate in Geographical Information Systems at the University of Salzburg in 2016. After completion of his Diplom he worked as a teacher at the Leibniz private school in Elmshorn as well as a research associate in the Geography department of the University of Education in Heidelberg and as a lecturer in the Department of Geography and it´s didactics at the University of Cologne. He also is a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Geography of the Universität Hamburg. Next to his occupation as a Research Associate he also is a teacher in the subject of Geography at the Wichern-school in Hamburg.