Our New Team Members, welcome on board!
15 January 2025, by Janick Edinger

Photo: Stefan / Alhassan / Paula
We are delighted to introduce our newest members who have recently joined DOS. Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Stefan, Hassan, and Paula!
Since 2012, Stefan Haslinger has been working at the Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH (SBO) and joined DOS in November 2024 as a research associate in a hybrid 50/50 position. Stefan is contributing his extensive experience in IT process optimization and digital transformation to the InteGreatDrones project.
Alhassan Abdelhalim obtained his Masters in the IAS international study program and joined DOS as a research associate in December 2024. In his Masters, he worked as a student assistant in the group of Prof. Dr. Sören Laue, helping in research and teaching the master course Machine Learning. Hassan is contributing his academic experience to the InteGreatDrones project.
Paula Gómez Matos started her Masters in the IAS international study program and joined DOS in December 2024 as a student assistant. Having both research and industrial experience, Paula is an excellent addition to our team.
For more information about our team members, visit the team webpage.
We’re excited for the journey ahead and all the things we’ll accomplish together. Welcome to DOS!