News (2023)23 August 2023|NETPaper accepted at ACSAC'23Photo: acsacOur paper, ”Binary Sight-Seeing: Accelerating Reverse Engineering via Point-of-Interest-Beacons” was accepted for publication at the Annual Computer...4 August 2023|NETPaper accepted at Globecom23'Photo: are delighted to announce that our paper titled "Preemptive DoS attacks on Time Sensitive Networks" has been accepted for presentation at GLOBECOM...1 August 2023|NET4 papers at NetSys 2023!Photo: congratulate Doganalp, Nurefsan, August, and Cornelia for their listed papers accepted to the NetSys '23 Towards Synthesizing Datasets for IEEE...7 July 2023|NETHamburg Teaching Award 2022 goes to NETPhoto: UHH/NETProf. Dr. Mathias Fischer received the Hamburg teaching award 2022 as one of the two representatives of the MIN faculty. He received the award for his...10 June 2023|NETPaper accepted at TENSORPhoto: paper, ”TSNZeek: An Open-source Intrusion Detection System for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking” was accepted for publication at the 3rd...15 May 2023|NETPaper accepted at ICCCN'23Photo: paper, ”Moving Target Defense for Service-oriented Mission-critical Networks” was accepted for publication at the 32nd International Conference on...14 April 2023|NETPaper accepted at IFIP NETWORKING '23Photo: paper, "TSN Gatekeeper: Enforcing Stream Reservations via P4-Based In-Network Filtering " has been accepted for publication at the IFIP...12 April 2023|NETPaper accepted at EdgeSys'23Photo: paper, ”Latency-Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Application Support in Edge Computing” was accepted for publication at the 6th International...18 January 2023|NETDouble tap at ICC‘23Photo: IEEE Communications SocietyDouble tap at IEEE International Conference on Communication 2023! We congratulate Florian and Heiko for their listed papers accepted to the...13 January 2023|NETPaper accepted at *LESS ‘23Photo: paper entitled “Measuring the Edge: A Performance Evaluation of Edge Offloading” was accepted for publication at the 2nd Workshop on Serverless...