Girls Day - KI anwenden und verstehen
12 May 2023, by David Rath

Photo: UHH | Posdorfer
Recently on the 27th of April, the University of Hamburg hosted this year's Girls Day (, an event designed to introduce girls from grade five and up to the world of computer science at the Informatikum. The participants attended engaging lectures, interactive projects, and a captivating demonstration of computer vision technology (
Among the activities, we at SEMS hosted the project "KI anwenden und verstehen" where we aimed to communicate the significance of artificial intelligence in today's rapidly evolving world. We discussed the fundamentals of AI, its importance, applications, capabilities, and limitations, all centered around the example of ChatGPT (
The girls received a comprehensive introduction to the workings of ChatGPT, after which they had the opportunity to experiment with the AI themselves. Some generated imaginative stories and songs, while others created comprehensive characters with whom they could engage in lively conversations.
Come and visit us next year!