Cabac, L., M. Haustermann, and D. Mosteller (2015). Renew -- the reference net workshop. In D. Moldt, H. Rölke, and H. Störrle (Eds.), Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'15, Brussels, Belgium, June 22-23, 2015. Proceedings, Volume 1372 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 313--314. [ http ]
Mosteller, D., L. Cabac, and M. Haustermann (2015). Providing Petri net-based semantics in model driven-development for the Renew meta-modeling framework. In D. Moldt, H. Rölke, and H. Störrle (Eds.), Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'15, Brussels, Belgium, June 22-23, 2015. Proceedings, Volume 1372 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 99--114. [ http ]
Cabac, L., D. Mosteller, and M. Wester-Ebbinghaus (2014). Modeling organizational structures and agent knowledge for Mulan applications. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (ToPNoC), 62--82. [ http ]
Mosteller, D. (2014, September). Metamodellierung für den PAOSE-Softwareentwicklungsansatz. Master's thesis.
Cabac, L., D. Mosteller, and M. Wester-Ebbinghaus (2013, June). A proposal for the modeling of organizational structures and agent knowledge in MAS. In D. Moldt (Ed.), Modeling and Buisness Environments MODBE'13, Milano, Italia, June 2013. Proceedings, Volume 989 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 295--312. [ .pdf ]