Research Projects
Current projects
- Transregio SFB "Cross-modal learning" , sub-project A6: "Deep learning for robust audio-visual processing" with Prof. Xiaolin Hu and Prof. Timo Gerkmann
- Participation in Excellence Cluster "Understanding Written Artifacts"
Former projects
- Machine Learning (PIER Project) Imaging in three and four dimensions: A Deep Learning Network for natural Sciences. Cooperation with Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (DESY) and Institute of Experimental Physics (UHH). Since 2018.
- Situated Vision to Perceive Object Shape and Affordances (DFG project (FR 2598/5-1), together with TU Vienna, RWTH Aachen, and IDIAP Martigny), 2012-2015.
- Saliency-based image matching for mobile systems (DFG project, FR 2598/4-1)), 2009-2015.
- NEUROBOTICS (EU Project FP6-IST-001917): The fusion of Neuroscience and Robotics
- VOCUS: A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-directed search (PhD thesis), 2005.
- MACS (EU Project FP6-004381 (STREP)): Multi-sensory Autonomous Cognitive Systems Interacting with Dynamic Environments for Perceiving and Using Affordances, 2003-2006.
For other current research please visit the research page.