Edited Books
Simon, J. (ed.) (2020), The Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) (1st ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.
Schneider, I.; Rudinow Saetnan, A.; Green, N. (eds., 2018), The Politics of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother? 345 pp, New York: Routledge. (Content, Index)
Schneider, I.; Rehder, B. (eds., 2016), Communities of Courts, Fundamental Rights, and Policies in Europe ("Europäische Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder"). Baden Baden: Nomos.
Søraker, J.H., de Boer, J. van der Rijt, J.-W., Wong, P.-H. and Brey, P. (2015) Well-Being in Contemporary Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Book Chapters
Rieder, G. & Simon, J. (2017), “Big Data: A New Empiricism and its Epistemic and Socio-Political Consequences”, in: Ott, M., Pietsch, W., Wernecke, J. (eds.) Berechenbarkeit der Welt? Philosophie und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter von Big Data. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2017.
Simon, J. (2017), “Values in Design and Responsible Innovation,” in: Hansson, S.-O. (ed.), Methods for the Ethics of Technology, London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017.
Simon, J. (2017),“Values in Design,“ in: Heesen, J. (ed.), Handbuch Medien- und Informationsethik, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016.
Wong, P.-H. (2015) Introduction: Well-being in Contemporary Society (with Jelle de Boer, Jan-Willem van der Rijt, Johnny Hartz Søraker & Philip Brey) In Johnny Hartz Søraker, Jan-Willem van der Rijt, Jelle de Boer, Pak-Hang Wong & Philip Brey (eds.), Well-Being in Contemporary Society (pp. ix-xiv). Dordrecht: Springer.
Simon, J. (2014), “Distributed Epistemic Responsibility in a Hyperconnected Era,” in: Floridi, L. (ed.) The Onlife Manifesto – Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
Simon, J., Spiecker gen. Döhmann, I. & von Luxburg, U. (2024). Generative KI – jenseits von Euphorie und einfachen Lösungen. Diskussion Nr. 34, Halle (Saale): Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina. [pdf]
Simon, J., Rieder, G. & Branford, J. (2024). The Philosophy and Ethics of AI: Conceptual, Empirical, and Technological Investigations into Values. Digital Society, 3(1).
Jacobs, M. & Simon, J. (2022). Reexamining computer ethics in light of AI systems and AI regulation. AI and Ethics.
Kraft, A., Zorn, H.-P., Fecht, P., Simon, J., Biemann, Ch. & Usbeck, R. (2022). Measuring Gender Bias in German Language Generation. In: Demmler, D., Krupka, D. & Federrath, H. (eds.), INFORMATIK 2022.Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. (pp. 1257-1274). DOI: 10.18420/inf2022_108
Jacobs, M. & Simon, J. (2022). Assigning Obligations in AI Regulation: A Discussion of Two Frameworks Proposed By the European Commission. Digital Society, 1(1).
Asghari, H.; Birner, N.; Burchardt, A.; Dicks, D.; Faßbender, J.; Feldhus, N.; Hewett, F.; Hofmann, V.; Kettemann, Matthias C.; Schulz, W.; Simon, Judith; Stolberg-Larsen, J.; and Züger, T. (2021). What to explain when explaining is difficult? An interdisciplinary primer on XAI and meaningful information in automated decision-making. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
Jacobs, M., Kurtz, C., Simon, J. and Böhmann, T. (2021). Value Sensitive Design and power in socio-technical ecosystems. Internet Policy Review, 10(3). [pdf]
Schneider, I. 2021: "Diskriminierungsgefahren und Regulationsansätze bei der medizinischen Nutzung von Künstlicher Intelligenz" (Risks of discrimination and regulatory approaches in the medical use of AI), zuerst erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ethik (ZfmE), 67(3)2021: 327-350. [pdf] Die Bereitstellung der pdf-Datei erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Schwabenverlag AG Ostfildern.
Rieder, G. (2021). Big Data. In: Grunwald, A. and Hillerbrand, R. (Eds.). Handbuch Technikethik. 2nd Edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Simon, J. and Rieder, G. (2021). Trusting the Corona-Warn-App? Contemplations on trust and trustworthiness at the intersection of technology, politics, and public debate. European Journal of Communication, 36(4), 334–348.
Rudschies, C., Schneider, I. & Simon, J. (2021). Value Pluralism in the AI Ethics Debate – Different Actors, Different Priorities. The International Review of Information Ethics, 29.
Schneider, I. (2021). Governance und digitale Souveränität in der Datenökonomie: Datentreuhandschaft statt Dateneigentum, in: Christine Godt/Matthias Lamping (eds), "A Critical Mind in the Triangle of Internal Market Law, Intellectual Property and Competition Law - Liber Discipulorum for Hanns Ullrich" (forthcoming, Springer: Berlin, 2021).
Jacobs, M. (2020). How Implicit Assumptions on the Nature of Trust Shape the Understanding of the Blockchain Technology. Philosophy & Technology.
Rieder, G., Simon, J. & Wong, P. H. (2020). Mapping the Stony Road toward Trustworthy AI: Expectations, Problems, Conundrums. SSRN Electronic Journal. Published. Available at SSRN: or
Rieder, G. and Völker, T. (2020). Datafictions: Or How Measurements and Predictive Analytics Rule Imagined Future Worlds. Journal of Science Communication, 19(1), pp. 1-22.
Schneider, I. (2020). Democratic Governance of Digital Platforms and Artificial Intelligence? Exploring Governance Models of China, the US, the EU and Mexico. JeDEM - EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government, 12(1), 1-24.
Schneider, I. (2020), "Gender, Körperpolitik, Biowissenschaften und Technikfolgenabschätzung", in: Filter, D. & Reich, J. (eds.), Respekt!: Frauen verändern Wissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg. Norderstedt: Books on Demand: 335–343.
Simon, J., Wong, P.-H., and Rieder, G. (2020). Algorithmic bias and the Value Sensitive Design approach. Internet Policy Review, 9(4).
Wong, P.-H. (2020) Cultural Differences as Excuses? Human Rights and Cultural Values in Global Ethics and Governance of AI. Philosophy & Technology.
Wong, P.-H. & Simon, J. (2020), Thinking about 'ethics' in the ethics of AI. In: IDEES,
Schneider, I. (2019). Patent Governance, Ethics and Democracy: How Transparency and Accountability Norms Are Challenged by Patents on Stem Cells, Gametes, and Genome Editing (CRISPR) in Europe, in: Berg, Th.C.; Cholij, R., Ravenscroft, S. (eds.): Patents on Life. Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 263-288.
Schneider, I. (2019): The Political and Legal Regulation of Ethics and Technology Conflicts (Die politische und gesetzliche Regulierung von Ethik- und Technikkonflikten), in: Schwoch, R. /Sammet, K. (eds:) Forschen – Vermitteln – Bewahren. Das Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin und das Medizinhistorische Museum Hamburg. Münster: LIT: 238-275.
Schneider, I. (2019): Governance der Datenökonomie – Politökonomische Verfügungsmodelle zwischen Markt, Staat, Gemeinschaft und Treuhand (Governance of the data economy: Models of the political economy between market, state, community and fiduciary trust), in: Friedewald, Michael / Ochs, Carsten (eds.): Die Zukunft der Datenökonomie (The future of the data economy). Springer.
Schneider, I. (2019): Regulierungsansätze in der Datenökonomie (Regulatory approaches in the data economy), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ) 69(24-26): 35-41,
Schneider, I. (2018): Bringing the state back in: Big Data-basedcapitalism, disruption, and novel regulatory approaches in Europe, in: Schneider, I.; Rudinow Saetnan, A.; Green, N. (eds. 2017): The Politics of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother? New York: Routledge, pp. 129-175. (Content, Index)
Schneider, I.; Rudinow Saetnan, A.; Green, N. (2018): The Politics of Big Data: principles, policies,practices, in: The Politics of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother? New York: Routledge, pp. 1-18. (Content, Index)
Schneider, I. (2018): Patent experts as epistemic community (Patentexperten als epistemische Gemeinschaft), in: Metzger, Axel (ed.) 2017: Methodology Questions in Patent Law (Methodenfragen des Patentrechts, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Theo Bodewig), Berlin (forthcoming).
Schneider, I.; Ulbricht, L.; Haunss, S.; Hofmann, J.; Klinger, U.; Passoth, JH.; Pentzold, C.; Strassheim, H.; Voß, JP. (2018): Dimensions of Big Data: A systematization from Political Science (Dimensionen von Big Data: eine politikwissenschaftliche Systematisierung). In: Kolany Raiser, B.; Heil, R.; Orwat, C.; Hoeren, Thomas (eds.): Big Data and Society - Approaches from multiple disciplines (Big Data und Gesellschaft. Eine multidisziplinäre Annäherung). Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 151-232.
Schneider, I. (2018): Patents on Stem Cells, Gametes, and Genome Editing(CRISPR) in Europe: Challenges for Democracy, Transparency and Accountability, in: Ravenscroft, S. ; Berg, Th.C.; Cholij, R. (eds): Patents on Life, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
Schneider, I. (2018): The Political Regulation of Ethics and Technology Conflicts in Health (Die politische Regulierung von Ethik- und Technikkonflikten in der Medizin), in: Schwoch, R. /Sammet, K. (eds:) Festschrift 50 Jahre Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin an der Universität Hamburg, Münster: (forthcoming).
Rieder, G.; Simon, J. (2017) Big Data and Technology Assessment: Research Topic or Competitor? In: Journal of Responsible Innovation, 4(2), 234-253.
Schneider, I. (2017): Bringing the state back in: Big Data-based capitalism, disruption, and novel regulatory approaches in Europe, in:
Schneider, I.; Rudinow Saetnan, A.; Green, N. (eds. 2017): The Politics and Policies of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother? Routledge (forthcoming).
Schneider, I. (2017): Patent experts as epistemic community (Patentexperten als epistemische Gemeinschaft), in: Metzger, Axel (ed.) 2017: Methodology Questions in Patent Law (Methodenfragen des Patentrechts, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Theo Bodewig), Berlin (forthcoming).
Schneider, I.; Ulbricht, L.; Haunss, S.; Hofmann, J.; Klinger, U.; Passoth, JH.; Pentzold, C.; Strassheim, H.; Voß, JP. (2017): Dimensions of Big Data: A systematization from Political Science (Dimensionen von Big Data: eine politikwissenschaftliche Systematisierung). In: Heil, R./ Kolany Raiser, B./ Orwat, C. (eds.): Big Data and Society - Approaches from multiple disciplines (Big Data und Gesellschaft. Eine multidisziplinäre Annäherung). Wiesbaden: Springer. (Forthcoming) .
Schneider, I. (2017): On the Relationship between Science and Policy Advice. The model of national ethics commissions in Germany (Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politikberatung: Das Modell nationaler Ethikgremien in Deutschland), in: Spieker, Michael/ Manzschke, Arne (eds.): Good Science (Gute Wissenschaft). Baden-Baden: Nomos: 133-177.
Sugiyama, M., Asayama, S., Ishii, A., Kosugi, T., Moore, J.C., Lin, J., Lefale, P.F., Burns, W., Fujiwara, M., Ghosh, A., Horton, J., Kurosawa, A., Parker, A., Thompson, M., Wong, P.-H. & Xia, L. (2017) The Asia-Pacific's Role in the Emerging Solar Geoengineering Debate. Climatic Change 143 (1-2), 1-12
Schneider, I. (2016): The relationship between general and specialized courts. A theoretical contribution and case study on the European Unified Patent Court ("Das Verhältnis zwischen allgemeinen Gerichten und Fachgerichten – am Beispiel des Politikfelds Patentrecht und des europäischen Einheitlichen Patentgerichts"), in: Rehder, B./ Schneider, I. (eds): Communities of Courts, Fundamental Rights, and Policies in Europe („Europäische Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder“). Baden Baden: Nomos: 125-175.
Schneider, I.; Rehder, B. (2016): Politics and jurisprudence in Europe: Analyses on the relationship between community and usurpation ("Analysen zum Verhältnis von Politik und Rechtsprechung in Europa: Zwischen Gemeinschafts - und Usurpationsdenken"), in: Rehder, B./ Schneider, I. (eds.): Communities of Courts, Fundamental Rights, and Policies in Europe („Europäische Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder“). Baden Baden: Nomos: 9-29.
Wong, P.-H. (2016) Responsible Innovation for Decent Nonliberal Peoples: A Dilemma? Journal of Responsible Innovation 3 (2), 154-168.
Wong, P.-H. (2016) Consenting to Geoengineering. Philosophy & Technology 29 (2), 173-188.
Fichtner, L., Pieters, W., & Teixeira, A. (2016, September). Cybersecurity as a Politikum: Implications of Security Discourses for Infrastructures. In Proceedings of the 2016 New Security Paradigms Workshop (pp. 36-48). ACM Digital Library.
Rieder, G. & Simon, J. (2016), “Datatrust: Or, The Political Quest for Numerical Evidence and the Epistemologies of Big Data” (joint with G. Rieder), Big Data & Society, 3, 2016.
Schneider, I. (2015): Race to the bottom or race to the top? Governing medical tourism in a globalized world, in: Bodies Across Borders: The Global Circulation of Body Parts, Medical Tourists and Professionals. Edited by Bronwyn Parry, Beth Greenhough, Tim Brown, and Isabel Dyck. Farnham, Burlington: Ashgate Publishing: 191-210.
Wong, P.-H. (2015) Confucian Environmental Ethics, Climate Engineering and the “Playing God” Argument. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 50 (1), 28-41.
Schneider, I. (2014): The body, the law, and the market: Public policy implications in a liberal state, in: Albers, Marion/Reinhardt, Jörn: Human Rights and Human Nature, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer: 197-215.
Wong, P.-H. (2014) Maintenance Required: The Ethics of Geoengineering and Post-Implementation Scenarios. Ethics, Policy & Environment 17 (2), 186-191.