Dr.-Ing. Daniel Demmler
Phone | +49 40 42883 2568 |
daniel.demmler"AT"uni-hamburg.de | |
PGP | 91DC D028 AA37 E1F9 4D06 1BD3 8740 013C 6881 7144 |
Office location | F 611 |
Consultation | Upon request |
Daniel was a postdoctoral researcher in the Security in Distributed Systems (SVS) research group at University of Hamburg from November 2019 to October 2022.
Before that, he was a PhD student and postdoctoral researcher in the Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) at Technische Universität Darmstadt. In November 2018, he graduated with distinction: Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols (PDF).
His research focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of secure multi-party computation and private information retrieval protocols, as well as privacy-preserving applications and their practical realization.