Programme 13.07.2020
16:00 - 16: 40 Cristina Vertan, Walther v, Hahn: University of Hamburg -„Modelling and Visualising Geo-Names from historical texts“
16:50 - 17:30 Mateusz Fafinski, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, „Uncertain Pages: Mapping Historical Uncertainty Between Manuscripts and Their Digital Facsimiles“
17:40 - 18:20 Hythem Sidky, University of Chicago, „The persistence of memory: Reconstructing Quranic transmission using digital philology“
18:30 - 19:10 Elie Dannaoui, University of Balamand, Lebanon, „Identifying the vorlage of Old Arabic Translations of the Gospels: Challenges and Digital Approaches“