Photo: UHH/Lutsch

Computer Vision

Information for Theses

If you are interested in writing a thesis in our group, please fill out the relevant form below and submit. 

Please check out our theses page to see a list with selected titles of B.Sc. and M.Sc. You can also see our recent papers for possible directions for a thesis. If you have further questions you can contact Dr. Christian Wilms(christian.wilms"AT"

We offer supervision for individual projects such as Independent Study module or base camp project. If you are interested in conducting an individual project, please fill out the form below and submit.


Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop
Universität Hamburg
Department of Informatics
Head of Chair
CV Research Group
Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30, Room R-105
22527 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 428 83-2589
Email: simone.frintrop"AT"