Photo: UHH/Lutsch

Computer Vision

Information for Theses

If you are interested in writing a thesis in our group, you can contact Dr. Christian Wilms(christian.wilms"AT" (B.Sc. theses) or Dr. Ehsan Yaghoubi(ehsan.yaghoubi"AT" (M.Sc. theses).

Please check out our theses page to see a list with selected titles of B.Sc. and M.Sc. You can also see our recent papers for possible directions for a thesis.


Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop
Universität Hamburg
Department of Informatics
Head of Chair
CV Research Group
Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30, Room R-105
22527 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 428 83-2589
Email: simone.frintrop"AT"