All five keynote lectures were recorded: click on the [stream] link to watch them.
Monday, 05.07.2021 [more] [stream]
Pandemic Data Science: What Have We Learnt?
Prof. Dr. Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)
Tuesday, 06.07.2021 [more] [stream]
Responsibility and Reality in Computing Sciences
Prof. Dr. Linnet Taylor (Tilburg University)
Wednesday, 07.07.2021 [more] [stream]
Contextual Integrity: Theory and a Few Applications | Joint Event with the Public Lecture Series "Taming the Machines"
Prof. Dr. Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech, Winner of the 2021 Covey Award of IACAP)
Thursday, 08.07.2021 [more] [manuscript] [stream]
Joseph Weizenbaum: A Parrhesiastes in the Digital Age
Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro (Winner of the 2021 Weizenbaum Award of INSEIT)
Friday, 09.07.2021 [more] [stream]
Why We Should End the Data Economy
Prof. Dr. Carissa Véliz (University of Oxford, Winner of the 2021 Simon Award of IACAP)
Time and Place
Monday to Thursday | 18:15-19:45 CEST
Friday | 15:30-16:30 CEST
– delivered in digital form –
Details to access the lecture will be made public on a timely basis at