Dr. Eike Langbehn
Short Bio
Eike Langbehn is a post-doctoral research associate at the Human-Computer Interaction group at the University of Hamburg since January 2015, where he is investigating locomotion techniques for virtual reality. From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a Unity3D developer at the Hamburg games company XYRALITY. He studied in Oldenburg as well as Hamburg and holds a PhD in computer science.
Eike published in the most competitive conferences of the field including ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE VR and ACM VRST. He is a member of IEEE and ACM SIGGRAPH and is actively involved in the research community. He is on the program committee of IEEE VR 2021 (and 2020), the most renowned conference in the area of VR/AR, and serves as reviewer for several national and international conferences and journals. In 2017, he received a scholarshop from DAAD to visit the Synthetic Reality Lab at University of Central Florida. Furthermore, he is regularly invited as a speaker at events and gatherings in the area of virtual reality and game development.
Eikes research is focused on perceptually-inspired user interfaces for single and multiple users in virtual reality environments. He is working in the project "Interactive Locomotion User Interfaces (iLUI)" funded by the German Research Foundation focusing on basic research on locomotion and interaction in virtual reality. Particularly, he investigates spatial perception and cognition while real walking in virtual worlds in terms of distance, size and speed estimation. Based on the results, he improves techniques for "redirected walking" by exploiting perceptual limitations and illusions with the goal to enable natural walking in a room-scale virtual reality setup.
Research Interests
- Virtual/Augmented Reality
- Locomotion User-Interfaces
- Redirected Walking
- Multi-user VR
- Game Design
- Immersive Storytelling
Prizes and Awards
- "Best Innovation" Award at the nextReality.Contest (XRC), 2019, Hamburg, Germany
- "Best Presentation" Award at the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), 2019, Barcelona, Spain
- "Honorable Mention" Award at the Mensch und Computer (MuC), 2019, Hamburg, Germany
- "Best Concept" Award at the Deutsches Institut für Virtual Reality (DIVR), 2019, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
- "Honorable Mention for Best Poster" Award at the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), 2016, Tokyo, Japan
- "Best Poster" Award at the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE), 2015, Kyoto, Japan
- "Best Poster Audience" Award at the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE), 2015, Kyoto, Japan
Grants and Scholarships
- Research Grant "Calls for Transfer" (C4T) for the project "Redirected Walking"
- Scholarship within the congress travel programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada
- Fellowship within the FITweltweit programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
- Scholarship within the congress travel programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): IEEE Virtual Reality, Los Angeles, California
Invited Talks (Paper Presentations excluded)
- "Spatial User Interaction in Virtual Reality", Universität Hamburg, 2019
- "Perceptual Limitations and Illusions in Virtual Reality", Universität Magdeburg, 2018
- "Redirected Walking", GamesDay, HDM Stuttgart, 2017
- "Räumliche Wahrnehmung und Fortbewegung in Virtual Reality", TU Braunschweig, 2017
- "Perception: The Most Technical Issue of VR", Quo Vadis, Berlin, 2017
- "Democratizing VR Innovation", Quo Vadis, Berlin, 2017
- "Bending the Curve: Walking in Virtual Reality", Researching Games, Berlin, 2017
- "VR - an overview", Women Techmakers, Hamburg, 2017
- "Locomotion in Virtual Worlds", VR Science Meetup, Berlin, 2017
- "Spatial Perception & Locomotion in VR", University of Central Florida, Orlando, 2017
- "Prospects and Challenges of Virtual and Augmented Reality", PLAY Festival, Hamburg, 2016
- "Chancen und Herausforderungen von Virtual Reality", Solutions Hamburg, Hamburg, 2016
- "(Mis-)Perception in Virtual Realities: Distance, Speed and Time", VECTOR Workshop, Tübingen, 2016
- "Virtuelle Räume", Junior Science Cafe, Buchholz, 2016
- "Locomotion in Virtual Environments", VR Meetup, Hamburg, 2016
- "Perceptual Aspects of Locomotion in VR", Researching Games, Berlin, 2016
- "Redirected Walking schafft Bewegungsfreiheit", VRtual-X.com, 13 August 2019
- "Perception: The most technical issue of VR", Gamasutra "Featured Post", 6 November 2017
- "Fortbewegung in Virtual Reality: Gar nicht so übel", Spiegel Online, 27 November 2016
- "Getting forwards: Locomotion in Virtual Environments", Making Games Magazine, 14 February 2016
Committees & Reviewing History
- Programm Committee Member: IEEE VR 2021, ICAT-EGVE 2020, IEEE VR 2020, VARECo Workshop 2019
- Organization Committee: MuC 2019 (Workshop Chair)
- Reviewer: IEEE TVCG, ACM TOG, PLOS One, IEEE VR (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016), IEEE ISMAR (2020), ACM UIST (2019), IEEE 3DUI (2017, 2016), ICAT-EGVE (2020, 2017), ACM VRST (2017), ACM CHI Play (2017), ACM SUI (2016), ACM CHI (2021,2016), INTERACT (2017)
Supervised & Reviewed (Bachelor-)Theses
- Gemeinsame Objekte in Mehrbenutzer Redirected Walking
- Audio-Visual Position Estimation of Co-Located Users in a Redirected Walking Environment
- Entwicklung einer Unity-Schnittstelle zur Steuerung von Drohnenschwärmen am Beispiel eines Teleoperationsszenarios
- Evaluation von Techniken zur Szenentransition in Virtual Reality
- Evaluation der kognitiven Anforderungen von Fortbewegungs-
techniken in VR - Stimulation der Bereitschaft zur realen Fortbewegung von Tele-
portationsbenutzern in VR - Automatisierte Pfadgenerierung für virtuelle Umgebungen
- Evaluation von Kollisionen mit Avataren in Virtueller Realität
- Prozedurale Level Generierung mit vordefinierten Pfaden
- Evaluation von Techniken zur Verstärkung der Kopfrotationen in
virtueller Realität - Evaluation von Walking-in-Place-Techniken für VR
- Apple Watch als Eingabegerät in VR
- Redirected Feet in VR: Manipulating the virtual position of the
users‘ feet - Entwicklung & Evaluierung von 3D-Selektionstechniken durch Eye- und Head-Tracking in VR
- Das Blickverhalten von Agenten in Virtual Reality
- Design of a Hand Posture Vocabulary for Interactive Paint Software
- Evaluation grafischer Skriptsprachen am Beispiel der Unreal Engine 4
- Was passiert mit mir bei Gewaltausübung in Virtual Reality? Moralisches Verhalten und dessen Bewertung in VR
- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines immersiven, avatargestützten Telekonferenzsystems
- Entwicklung der Rechenkapazität von Computern anhand von Moore's Law
- Entwicklung und Evaluation von visuellen Wettereffekten für archäologische Modelle am Beispiel der Hammaburg
Conference & Event Organization
- XR GameJam, GlobalGameJam@nextReality.Hamburg 2019 & 2020
- Workshop and Tutorial Chair, Mensch & Computer 2019
- VR Prototyping Lab 2018
- Unity Workshop, Women Techmakers Hamburg, 11/2017
- nextReality.Contest 2017
- nextReality.Hackathon 2017
- VR Meetup Hamburg: "Cheat your Brain - Wahrnehmung in VR" 6/2016
- Student Volunteer, IEEE VR 2016
- verpLANt GameJam #1 9/2014
- Konferenz der Informatik-Fachschaften 2012
- genial verpLANt #1 - #23 (2005 - now)
- WaterQuake - Festival 2004 - 2014
- Current Teaching see here
Winter 2020/2021
- Human-Computer Interaction
Summer 2020
- Lecture: Interactive Game Development
- Lecture: Digital Reality
Winter 2019/2020
- Lecture/Tutorial: User Interface Software and Technology
Summer 2019
- Lecture: Interactive Game Development
Winter 2018/2019
- Project: VR Prototyping Lab
- Lecture/Tutorial: User Interface Software and Technology
- Lecture: Informatik im Kontext
Winter 2017/2018
- Project: B.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction
- Lecture/Tutorial: User Interface Software and Technology
Summer 2017
- Tutorial: Interactive Game Development
Winter 2016/2017
- Lecture/Tutorial: User Interface Software and Technology
Winter 2015/2016
- Tutorial: Interactive Computergraphics
- Lecture/Tutorial: User Interface Software and Technology
Summer 2015
- Tutorial: Interactiondesign
Open-Source Projects
- Curved Path Configurator for Redirected Walking in Room-Scale VR: https://github.com/klngbhn/RDW_CurvedPathConfigurator
- affentanz - Cross-platform framework for interactive 3d-applications: https://github.com/klngbhn/affentanz