Current lab usage rules
Due to the current situation, our lab usage rules have been updated:
Who is allowed to work at the lab?
- Student assistants from the HCI department may work at the lab with prior registration in the lab calendar.
- Bring proof of employment or ask WiMis for front desk registration.
- Students writing a thesis at HCI may ask their supervising WiMi for an invitation with a specific date to work at the lab.
- Other students are currently not allowed to work in the lab.
Rules for working at the lab:
- You can only register for a work station defined in this graphic.
- Disinfect keyboard, mouse, HMD, and table before and after usage.
- Keep 1.5m distance from others.
- Wear a mask when walking through the corridors.
- Don't shake hands
- Only 1 person in the tea kitchen at a time
- Stay at home when sick (and cancel your appointments)
Our Mission
The Lab explores all challenges, which occur when human meets technology. We shape the future of this interaction to seamlessly couple space, where the flat digital world meets the three dimensions we live in.
Our Approach
Basic and Applied Research
We address basic as well as applied research questions with a variety of different human-centered methodologies such as observations, focus groups, design thinking, rapid prototyping, user studies and experimental evaluations.
Check out our projects
Interdisciplinary Science by Nature
Students and professionals with background in computer science, psychology and design closely cooperate in several projects, seminars and practical courses.
Check out the HCI courses
Exploring Next Realities
The focus of our lab is on novel forms of human-computer interaction in our digital reality as well as the next realities to come, such as the mixed reality-virtuality continuum ranging from physical reality, augmented reality to augmented virtuality and virtually reality as well as blended reality, artificial reality, mediated reality or diminished reality.
Check out the nextReality initiative