Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke
Frank Steinicke is a professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Informatics at the Universität Hamburg. From 2018 and 2020, he headed the Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Natural Sciences.
Prior to his current position, he was a professor of Computer Science in Media at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg and chair of the Immersive Media Group from 2011 to 2014. Between 2012 and 2014 he was the director of the interdisciplinary Institute for Human Computer Media at the University of Würzburg.
He studied Mathematics with a Minor in Computer Science at the University of Münster, from which he received his Ph.D. and Venia Legendi in Computer Science.
His research interests are focused on understanding the human perceptual, cognitive, and motor abilities and limitations to improve interactions and experiences in computer-mediated realities.
For his scientific contributions, he received the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award in 2023, and was inducted into the prestigious IEEE VR Academy.
Frank Steinicke regularly serves as a panelist and speaker at major events in virtual reality and human-computer interaction. He published more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He served as program chair for several XR and HCI-related conferences, including IEEE VR 2017/2018, which is the most renowned scientific conference in the area of XR.
Furthermore, he is chair of the steering committee of the ACM SUI Symposium and co-chair of the steering committee of GI SIG VR/AR. Furthermore, he is a member of the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) as well as the Frontiers Section on Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour.
Finally, he is a (senior) member of IEEE, ACM, and GI.
Short Bio
Frank Steinicke is a professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Informatics at the Universität Hamburg.
Before his current position, he was a professor of Computer Science in Media at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg and chair of the Immersive Media Group from 2011 to 2014.
He studied Mathematics with a Minor in Computer Science at the University of Münster, from which he received his Ph.D. and Venia Legendi in Computer Science.
His research interests are focused on understanding the human perceptual, cognitive, and motor abilities and limitations to improve interactions and experiences in computer-mediated realities.
He received the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award in 2023 for his scientific contributions and was inducted into the prestigious IEEE VR Academy.
Selected Prizes & Awards
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper at ACM CHI, 2023
- IEEE VGTC VR Technical Achievement Award, 2023
- Induction in IEEE VGTC VR Academy, 2023
- Best Paper Award at GI VR/AR Workshop, 2022
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at ACM VRST, 2021
- Best Paper Award at GI Mensch und Computer (MuC), 2020
- Best Paper Award at International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE) 2019
- Best Presentation Award at ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), 2019
- Best Paper Award at International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE) 2018
- Best Paper Award at Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität (GI VR/AR), 2017
- Best Paper Award at ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), 2017
- Industrial Robot Innovation Award at 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2017)
- Best Poster Award at 25th Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT) & 20th Eurographics Symp. on Virtual Environments (EGVE), 2015
- Best Poster Award (Audience Choice) at ICAT-EGVE (2015)
- Best Demo Award at GI VR/AR HMD App Contest, 2015
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at GI VR/AR, 2015
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2015
- Best Short Paper Award at ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), 2014
- Best Paper Award at Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität (GI VR/AR), 2013
- Best Paper Award at IEEE International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI), 2010
- Best Paper Award at ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2009
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at International Conference on CYBERWORLDS, 2009
- Best Paper Award at IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2008
- Best Paper Award at ACM International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), 2008
- Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2008
- Best Paper Award at Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC), 2008
- Honorable Mention for Best Poster Award at IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2007
- Best Paper Award at International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 2007
Selected Keynotes & Invited Talks
- B(l)ending Realities, IEEE VR 2021
- Bending Reality - Human Imperfection as Key to Future Blended Realities, ICAT-EGVE 2020
- Artificial Intelligence and Reality - What’s better: Natural, Artificial, Real or Virtual? LegalHRSummit 2020
- Künstliche Intelligenz und Realitäten, BMBF Zukunftskongress Mensch-Technik-Interaktion, Bonn, 2019
- Artificial Intelligence & Reality - What's better: Natural, Artificial, Real or Virtual?,, Hamburg, 2019
- Closing Keynote: 4 x S for the Next Paradigm of User Interfaces, SVR, Foz Do Iguacu, Brazil, 2018
- Opening Keynote: The Four S's of SUI for the Ultimate Display, EuroVR, Laval, France 2017
- Opening Keynote: Zukunft der virtuellen Realität, Medienkompetenztag, Kiel, 2017
- Opening Keynote: The Four S's of SUI for the Ultimate Display, ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), Brighton, UK, 2017
- Closing Keynote: Immersives Design in Computer-vermittelten Realitäten - Science oder Fiction?, KISDconference, Köln, 2017
- Invited Talk: The Healing and Addictive Power of Virtual Reality., BraveNewWorld, Leiden, Netherlands, 2016
- Keynote: Visions and Future of VR/AR, Festival, Hamburg, 2016
- Keynote: Immersive Natives, DIGILITY 2016, Cologne, 2016
- Keynote: Super-Natural User Interfaces for the Ultimate Display, Augmented World Expo (AWE) Europe 2016, Berlin, 2016
- Keynote: Immersive Natives and the Future of VR/AR, Science Notes 2016, Berlin, 2016
- Invited Talk: Being really virtual, Augmented World Expo (AWE), Santa Clara, USA, 2016
- Opening keynote: Spieleentwicklung für VR - Chancen, Herausforderungen und Stolpersteine, Hamburger Games Conference, Hamburg, 2016
- Opening keynote: Being Really Virtual - Virtual Reality in the Year 2030, Virtual Revolution, Veldhoven, Netherland 2016
- Capstone keynote: (Super-)Natural User Interfaces, 2nd International Virtual Reality Symposium, Eindhoven, Netherland, 2015
- Keynote: Be-greifbare Interaktion> - Potential der digitalen Fabrikation, Opening Ceronomy Digital Media Labs, Würzburg, Germany, 2013
- Keynote: Fooling your Senses – Perceptually-Inspired Interfaces for the Ultimate Display, SIGRAD 2013, Norrköping, Sweden, 2013
Selected Media Images & Videos
- SRF Einstein report about virtual reality
- Article about Emotions and computer in Swiss magazine 20 Minuten
- ZDF Donnerstalk Interview about 24 hours in VR
- documentary emotions and computers
- NDR news about Pokemon GO
- Interview with Rolling Stone Magazine about VR
- Interview with Die Welt about VR
- Interview in Bright New Future Postcast>
- Hamburg news about Games Conference 2016
- Radio interview with Danmarks Radio P1
- Podcast interview with Voices of VR
- Video interview with ARD Mittagsmagazin
- interview about VR and tele-operation
- interview about games & VR
- 3sat docutainment about long-term VR
- WIRED article about long-term use of VR technology
- GIZMODO article about neuroscience of VR
- Tagesthemen report about AR gaming
- MIN-Check interview about studying HCI
- Bayerischer Rundfunk report about VR for exploration of historic 3D city models
- Interview about Virtual Reality in WDR
- Interview with Radio Bremen 2 to World Sight Day
- The ARD reported on the start of the summer semester with many online offers in the Department of Informatics (starting at 19:30 min).
If you want to use one of the following images, for example, for media appearance, please contact me. Click images for high-resolution versions.
Current Teaching
- see here