Softwarearchitektur (InfM-SWA)
Next offer: winter semester 2024/2025
This course will be offered in winter semester 2024/2025. Information presented below is preliminary, and some details about content or organization may change.
Module for Master students in Informatics (Informatik), Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik), IT Management and Consulting (ITMC), Intelligent Adaptive Systems (IAS)
64-426 Lecture Software Architecture
The lecture is held in English.
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Werner
Time and Place in winter semester 2024/25: Tuesday, 10–12 a.m., Room: D-125/129
Schedule: see Moodle-Course (tba)
Software architecture provides the basis for mastering the complexity of large software systems and projects. It provides information for comprehension, communication, and documentation of knowledge. Furthermore, software architecture enables risk reduction by an early assessment of models and provides a basis for project management. The course covers relevant aspects of software architecture development and evolution, such as:
- Goals and roles of software architecture
- Architecture analysis: quality goals and architecture-specific requirements
- Architecture design, decision-making, and management within the software development processes
- Architectural patterns, styles, and tactics
- Architectural models and documentation
- Architecture assessment and architecture-based quality evaluation
- Architecture reengineering and evolution
- Emerging approaches, including modern architectural styles and technologies
- Tools for software architecture
- Textbooks for the lecture:
Software Architecture in Practice (4th Edition)
by Len Bass, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman.
Addison Wesley / Pearson, 2021.
ISBN 978-0-321-81573-6
(copies and online from our library)
Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice
by Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidovic, Eric Dashofy
Wiley, 2009.
ISBN 978-0-470-16774-8
(copies from our library)
- Your own write-up
- Slides are provided in Moodle for download
- Drawings, definitions, bulk text
- Questions for learning
64-427 Integrated Seminar Architecture-centric Software Development
Seminars about the practice of architecting, in English or German
We offer 3 different seminar groups this winter semester 2024/25, two held in Englisch and one in German. Please make sure that you subscribe to the seminar group you want. For each seminar group there will be a Moodle course (tba) providing the material for the seminar.
Gr. 02 (Dienstag 8-10, online) - auf Deutsch: Dr. Jan Christian Dammann
Dieses Seminar fokussiert sich auf Architekturbeschreibung. Wie kann ich anderen von meinem System verständlich und mit vertretbarem Aufwand erzählen? In diesem Seminar stellt ihr euch gegenseitig einfache Zutaten vor, mit denen ihr euer System kurz, aber treffend beschreiben könnt. Ihr übt die Erstellung der Zutaten und kreiert euren „Hitchhiker's Guide“ am Beispiel eines realen Systems. Die Zutaten vergeben wir im ersten Termin.
Gr. 01 (Tuesday 8-10, on-site: room D-220) - in English: Marion Wiese
Gr. 03 (Tuesday 12-14, on-site: room G-228) - in English: Marion Wiese
This seminar deals with performing architectural design activities such as architectural analysis, design, modeling, and assessment. Participants discuss decisions and activities to improve team discussion skills. Topics will be assigned in the first meeting.
- Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman: Software Architecture in Practice (4rd Edition); Addison Wesley / Pearson; 2021
- Zörner, Stefan: Software Architekturen - Dokumentieren und Kommunizieren; Hanser Verlag; München; 2012;
- Clements, Paul et al.: Documenting Software Architectures; 2. Auflage; Addison Wesley; 2010
iSAQB Certified Professional Software Architecture - Foundation CPSA-F
As a participant of this course you will have the opportunity to participate in an iSAQB certification.
The iSAQB organization awards certificates for Software Architecture professionals. Please notice that the CPSA-F certificate is granted by this organization directly to you, *without* involvement of the University of Hamburg. However, we support you in this process because the Foundation Level certificate is closely related to the content of this lecture, and we want to support you in your professional career. While being a student at our university, you will benefit from a significant discount for the exams fee.
We will give you more information on this opportunity during November. The exam requires registration and a fee and is performed in February. We provide material for your preparation for the exam in Moodle.