Supplementary files
This website accompanies the paper submission:
An Analysis of the Variance of Diffusion-based Speech Enhancement
submitted to Interspeech 2024.
Comparison of BBED SDE, OUVE SDE with different variance scales. The performance results are given in Tab. 1 of the paper.
The following files are selected from the DNS4 test set. The models correspond to the model given in Tab. 1 of the paper, e.g. BBED0.51 is the BBED model with variance scale c = 0.51 which can be found in the first row of Tab. 1.
Denoising examples BBED
Denoising examples OUVE
- B. Lay, T. Gerkmann, "An Analysis of the Variance of Diffusion-based Speech Enhancement,,", Interspeech 2024, September