Leif Bonorden
Leif Bonorden, M.Sc.
Research Associate, Doctoral Student
E‑Mail: leif.bonorden(at)uni-hamburg.de
Phone: +49-40-42883-2036
Office: Building D, Room 228
Out of office
I will be on parental leave starting in September 2024 and expect to return in January 2025.
During this time, I will rarely check my emails, so please expect long response times.
Research Interests
- Interfaces in Modular Software Systems
- API Evolution and Deprecation
- API Specification and Documentation
- Software Engineering Education and Training
- Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Doctoral project: Supporting API Deprecation Processes
Wintersemester 2024/2025
- Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung Software Engineering – Einführung (64-204 / InfB-SEE)
Sommersemester 2024
- Vorlesung Softwaretechnik (64-250 / InfB-SWT)
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
Sommersemester 2023
- Vorlesung Softwaretechnik (64-250 / InfB-SWT)
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
Wintersemester 2022/2023
- Übungen/Seminar Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung (64-441 / InfM-MBSE)
Sommersemester 2022
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
Wintersemester 2021/2022
- Übungen zu Softwareentwicklung I (64-001 / InfB-SE 1)
Sommersemester 2021
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
Wintersemester 2020/2021
- Seminar Software Engineering (64-161 / InfB-Sem)
- Übungen/Seminar Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung (64-441 / InfM-MBSE)
- Projekt Software Engineering (64-860 / InfM-Proj)
Sommersemester 2020
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
- Seminar Software Engineering (64-161 / InfB-Sem)
- Projekt und integriertes Seminar Software Engineering (64-860 / InfM-Proj)
Wintersemester 2019/2020
- Übungen zu Softwareentwicklung I (64-001 / InfB-SE 1)
Sommersemester 2019
- Übungen zu Softwaretechnik (64-251 / InfB-SWT)
2012–2015, Technische Universität Berlin
- Tutorien zu Softwaretechnik (Bachelor)
- Programmierpraktikum Softwaretechnik (Bachelor)
- Übungen zu Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung (Bachelor)
Academic Self-governance & Other Activities
- Fachbereichsrat (department council): Department of Informatics
- Prüfungsausschüsse (examination boards): B.Sc. and M.Sc. Informatics; Diplom Informatik; B.Sc. Software Systems Development; teaching degrees informatics
- Qualitätszirkel: MIN Faculty
- Ausschuss für Lehre und Studium des Akademischen Senats (committe of the academic senate)
- Berufungskommissionen (search committees for professorships)
since 2020 | Universität Hamburg Student, M.A. Higher Education |
since 2019 | Universität Hamburg Research Associate & Doctoral Student Software Engineering and Construction Methods group (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Riebisch/Prof. Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn) |
2015–2017 | FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik (Karlsruhe/Berlin) Assistant Researcher Accompanying Research of the BMWI (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) technology program “Smart Data” |
2012–2015 | Technische Universität Berlin Student Teaching Assistant Software Engineering group (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Jähnichen) |
2010–2018 | Technische Universität Berlin Student, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Mathematics Bachelor's thesis “Stochastic Homogenization for the Principal Eigenvalue in the Anderson Model with Small Disorder” (Probability Theory) Master's thesis “The Golfing Scheme” (Functional Analysis) |