Dr. Wenjie Yan
Photo: UHH/Knowledge Technology
Research Associate
Knowledge Technology
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Department of Informatics
Knowledge Technology Research Group
Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg
Room: F-229
Short Curriculum Vitae
Since May 2010 | Research Associate of Knowledge Technology Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, Germany |
November 2009 | Master degree in mechatronics engineer (German Diplom-Ingenieur), Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany |
June 2006 | Bachelor degree in mechanical engineer, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China |
Albers, A., Yan, W., Frietsch, M. Application of Reinforcement Learning to a two DOF Robot Arm Control. In Katalinic, B., editors, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Volume 20, No. 1, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria, 2009. | |
Bauer, C., Milighetti, G., Yan, W., Mikut, R., Human-like Reflexes for Robotic Manipulation using Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010. | |
Yan, W., Weber, C., Wermter, S. Person tracking based on a hybrid neural probabilistic model. In Honkela, T., Duch, W., Girolami, M., Kaski, S., editors, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2011), Part II, pp. 365-372, Espoo, Finland, June 2011. | |
Yan, W., Weber, C., Wermter, S. A hybrid probabilistic neural model for person tracking based on a ceiling-mounted camera. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 3(3), pp. 237-252, 2011. | |
Yan, W., Weber, C., Wermter, S. A Neural Approach for Robot Navigation based on Cognitive Map Learning. 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2012), pp. 1146-1153, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. IEEE | |
Yan, W. Robot navigation for assisted living. Gerontechnology, 11, p. 356, 2012. | |
Yan, W., Torta, E., van der Pol, D., Meins, N., Weber, C., Cuipers, R.H., Wermter, S. Learning Robot Vision for Assisted Living. In Garcia-Rodriguez, J., Cazorla, M., editors, Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Leaning and Vision Applications, ch. 15, pp. 257-280, IGI Global, 2013. | |
Yan, W., Weber, C., Wermter, S. Learning indoor robot navigation using visual and sensorimotor map information. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Vol. 7(15), 2013. http://www.frontiersin.org/neurorobotics/10.3389/fnbot.2013.00015/abstract | |
Johnson, D.O., Cuijpers, R., Juola, J.F., Torta, E., Simonov, M., Frisiello, A., Bazzani, M., Yan, W., Weber, C., Wermter, S., Meins, N., Oberzaucher, J., Panek, P., Edelmayer, G., Mayer, P., Beck. C., Socially Assistive Robots: A comprehensive approach to extending independent living. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2013. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12369-013-0217-8 |