Research Projects
Our objective is to research into artificial intelligence and knowledge technology for intelligent systems. However, our new approaches are often motivated by nature, e.g. from the brain, cognition and neuroscience. We want to study and understand nature-inspired, in particular hybrid neural and symbolic representations, in order to build next-generation intelligent systems. Such systems include for instance adaptive interactive knowledge discovery systems, learning crossmodal neural agents with vision and language capabilities, or neuroscience-inspired continually learning robots.
TRAIL: TRAnsparent, InterpretabLe Robots
TRAIL is a new Doctoral Network project as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Commission 1.3.2023-28.2.2027.
TRAIL strategically focuses on a novel, highly interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial research and training programme for a better understanding of transparency in deep learning, artificial intelligence and robotics systems. In order to train a new generation of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) to become experts in the design and implementation of transparent, interpretable neural systems and robots, we have built a highly interdisciplinary consortium, containing expert partners with long-standing expertise in cutting-edge artificial intelligence and robotics, including deep neural networks, computer science, mathematics, social robotics, human-robot interaction and psychology. In order to build transparent robotic systems, these new ESR researchers need to learn about the theory and practice of the principles of (1) internal decision understanding and (2) external transparent behaviour. Since the ability to interpret complex robotic systems needs highly interdisciplinary knowledge, we will start, on the decision level, to interpret deep neural learning and analyse what knowledge can be efficiently extracted. At the same time, on the behaviour level, the disciplines of human-robot interaction and psychology will be key in order to understand how to present the extracted knowledge as behaviour in an intuitive and natural way to a human user to integrate the robot into a cooperative human-robot interaction.
A scaffolded training curriculum will guarantee that the ESRs have not only a deep understanding of both research areas, but experience optimal skill training to be fully prepared for a successful research career in academia and industry. The importance and need of this research for the industry is clearly visible with the full commitment of 7 leading European and world-wide-operating robotics companies that together cover the majority of Europe’s robot market and a broad spectrum of AI applications.
PI: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associate: Theresa Pekarek Rosin, Sergio Lanza, Julia Gachot
TRAIL project
TERAIS - Towards Excellent Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at a Slovak university
Cognitive Systems, Comenius University in Bratislava Slovakia
Knowledge Technology, Universität Hamburg, Germany
IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
The TERAIS project aims at collaborating with the Department of Applied Informatics at Comenius University in Bratislava to become a workplace of international academic excellence in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. To achieve this, the project aims to (1) prepare conditions for systematic development of research capacity in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, (2) establish sustainable networking and collaboration links with partner institutions Comenius University in Bratislava, Universität Hamburg and the Italian Institute of Technology, in order to boost institutional international research at Comenius University.
The partnership will comprise, in addition to the Department of Applied Informatics at Comenius University in Bratislava, the Knowledge Technology team at Universität Hamburg - with excellent expertise in neural networks, deep learning and crossmodal learning for developmental robotics - and two units at Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa - with excellent experience in humanoid robotics, control using physical and simulated robots and human-robot interaction. The project is expected to contribute to promoting research excellence in AI and Robotics in Comenius University in Bratislava based on the expertise from the Knowledge Technology Team in Hamburg and the IIT Team in Genoa.
Researchwise, the TERAIS project spans the areas of advancement of cognitive robotics and human–robot interaction which are considered aiming to improve the quality of life. Constructivist computational approaches (understanding cognition by building artifacts) are expected to play an increasingly more important role in the future. Artificial neural networks, as a successful machine learning approach, are primarily used as building AI blocks for robots. Cognitive robotics stands on three pillars (research areas) - artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive science and robotics. In this process, cognitive science will very likely pave its way to help build more explainable, trustworthy and sense-making AI solutions. Flexibility and versatility is even more articulated in cognitive robotics, enabling truly multimodal flexible robots deployable for human-oriented applications and human-robot interaction.
PI: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associate: Hassan Ali, Dr. Matthias Kerzel, Dipl.-Ing. Erik Strahl, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Modeling a Robot’s Peripersonal Space and Body Schema for Adaptive Learning and Imitation (MoReSpace)
We expect the resulting framework to improve the capabilities of robotic agents to handle conflicting sensor data and to improve human-robot interaction scenarios in the context of the different morphologies of the NICO and NICOL robots. Our experiments will take place in a table-top scenario and mainly involve object manipulation experiments, including block-stacking and tool-use tasks. Together with our collaborators, we will first conduct robot-robot interaction and later human-robot-interaction experiments.
PI: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Josua Spisak, Dr. Matthias Kerzel, Dipl.-Ing. Erik Strahl, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Details: MoReSpace project
Sicheres Sprachdialogsystem zur multimodalen Integration von Dienstleistungen (SIDIMO)
Systems that support elderly people in their home environments offer their target group an extension on an independent and self-determined way of living. However, existing speech recognition systems for home environments usually transfer recorded data to third-party servers, which raises a series of privacy issues. Additionally, while language as an intuitive means of communication can facilitate interactions of inexperienced users with assistance systems, ASR systems often struggle with elderly voices due to irregularities in speech patterns or indistinct pronunciations.
The goal of SIDIMO is to develop a speech recognition system, which 1) adjusts existing network architectures for German ASR to work locally, keeping private data in the possession of the user, and 2) can continually adapt to the changing speech of elderly users to increase speech recognition accuracy.
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
PI: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associate: Theresa Pekarek Rosin, Dr. Matthias Kerzel
Details: SIDIMO project
VeriKAS – Verification of learning AI applications
Pl: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Sven Magg, Dr. Matthias Kerzel, Wenhao Lu
Details: VeriKAS project
LemonSpeech: Next Generation Speech Recognition and Speech Control for German
Duration: August 1st, 2021 - July 31th, 2022
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Johannes Twiefel, Matthias Möller, Felix Hattemer
Learning Conversational Action Repair for Intelligent Robots (LeCAREbot)
What are the principal mechanisms required to capture the robustness and interactivity of human communication, given the situational, noisy and often ambiguous nature of natural language? And how, and to what extent, can we integrate these mechanisms within an embodied functional model that is computationally and empirically verifiable on a physical robot?
We address these research questions by investigating the linguistic phenomenon of conversational repair (CR) – a method to edit and to re-interpret previously uttered sentences that were not correctly understood by the hearer. As an example, consider the following scenario:
A human operator issues the underspecified command “Pick up the apple”. The operator intends to let the robot pick up the red apple, but the robot assumes that the human refers to the green apple (possibly because it is closer to the robot). As it picks up the green apple, the observed course of actions deviates from the user’s intended course of actions. Shortly after the human recognizes this error, he utters a repair command that lets the robot pick up the red apple.
Our own and other existing computational models for human-robot dialog consider conversational repair in the case of non-understandings, but they do not consider misunderstandings. In the LeCAREbot project, we will investigate how misunderstandings can be addressed in human-robot dialog. Herein, we develop compositional state representations for mixed verbal-physical interaction states, and we will develop a hybrid neuro-symbolic approach to learn such state abstractions. We will combine the state abstraction with model-based hierarchical reinforcement learning to realize robotic scenarios where conversational repair plays a critical role.
PIs: Dr. Manfred Eppe, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Details: LeCAREBot project
LingoRob - Learning Language in Developmental Robots
Programme: DAAD, Programm Projektbezogener Personenaustausch Frankreich 2017
Duration 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018
PIs: Dr. Xavier Hinaut, Dr. Cornelius Weber, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Staff: Johannes Twiefel, Dr. Dr. Doreen Jirak
Details: LingoRob Project
Ideomotor Transfer for Active Self-emergence (IDEAS)
Humans possess very sophisticated learning mechanisms that allow them, for example, to learn a sports discipline or task, and to transfer certain movement patterns and skills from this discipline to improve their performance in another discipline or task. This is possible, even if the transfer task is not immediately related to the initially learned task. It is this important transfer learning ability that enables humans to solve problems they have never encountered before, in ways that are beyond the current capabilities of robots and artificial agents. However, the neural foundations of transfer learning and its role in the emergence of a self are still mostly unknown, and there exists no generally accepted functional neural model of transfer learning.
Dr. Manfred Eppe and Prof. Stefan Wermter from the Knowledge Technology group have been awarded a grant within the DFG priority programme The Active Self to address this issue.
PIs: Dr. Manfred Eppe, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Details: IDEAS project
KI-SIGS: AI Space for Intelligent Health Systems - AP390.1: Detection of Whole-body Posture and Movement
Duration: April 1st, 2020 - March 31th, 2023
Pls: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Philipp Allgeuer, Dr. Matthias Kerzel
General Project Context:
KI-SIGS project page
The Neural Microcircuits of Problem-solving and Goal-directed Behavior
What are the neuro-computational principles of the advanced problem-solving capabilities that we observe in higher animals like corvids and primates, and how can we use those principles as the basis for a computational model in an acting robot?
Dr. Manfred Eppe and Prof. Stefan Wermter from the Knowledge Technology group have been awarded a grant within the Experiment! programme of the Volkswagen Stiftung (acceptance rate for this programme is below 5%) to address this question within the project "The Neural Microcircuits of Problem-solving and Goal-directed Behavior".
The aim of this high-risk/high-gain project is to design and build a computational model of neural problem-solving
PIs: Dr. Manfred Eppe, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Details: Neural p
Topological Deep Multiple Timescale Recurrent Neural Network for Cognitive Learning and Memory Modelling towards Human-level Synthetic Intelligence (NeuroSynthelligence)
PIs: Prof. Chu Kiong Loo, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Details: NeuroSynthelligence Project
Neural Network-based Robotic Grasping via Curiosity-driven Reinforcement Learning (NeuralGrasp)
PIs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Associates: Burhan Hafez
Details: NeuralGrasp Project
Bio-inspired Indoor Robot Navigation (BIONAV)
PIs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Associates: Xiaomao Zhou
Details: BIONAV Project
DFG-Transregio "Cross-Modal Learning" (CML) Project A5 - Neurorobotic models for crossmodal joint attention and social interaction
PIs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter, Prof. Dr. Xun Liu
Associates: Dr. Hugo Carneiro, Fares Abawi, Di Fu
A5 on
DFG-Transregio "Cross-Modal Learning" (CML) Project C4 - Neurocognitive models of crossmodal language learning
PIs: Prof. Dr. Zhiyuan Liu, Dr. Cornelius Weber, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Jae Hee Lee, Tobias Hinz
C4 on
DFG-Transregio "Cross-Modal Learning" (CML) Project Z3 - Integration initiatives for model software and robotic demonstrators
PIs: Prof. Dr. Jianwei Zhang, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter, Prof. Dr. Fuchun Sun
Associates: Dr. Matthias Kerzel, Dr. Burhan Hafez
Z3 on
SOCRATES - Social Cognitive Robotics in The European Society
PIs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Project Managers: Dr. Sven Magg, Dr. Cornelius Weber
Associates: Alexander Sutherland, Henrique Siqueira
Details: and
European Training Network: Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments (SECURE)
The majority of existing robots in industry are pre-programmed robots working in safety zones, with visual or auditory warning signals and little concept of intelligent safety awareness necessary for dynamic and unpredictable human or domestic environments. In the future, novel cognitive robotic companions will be developed, ranging from service robots to humanoid robots, which should be able to learn from users and adapt to open dynamic contexts. The development of such robot companions will lead to new challenges for human-robot cooperation and safety, going well beyond the current state of the art. Therefore, the SECURE project aims to train a new generation of researchers on safe cognitive robot concepts for human work and living spaces on the most advanced humanoid robot platforms available in Europe. The fellows will be trained through an innovative concept of project- based learning and constructivist learning in supervised peer networks where they will gain experience from an intersectoral programme involving universities, research institutes, large and SME companies from public and private sectors. The training domain will integrate multidisciplinary concepts from the fields of cognitive human-robot interaction, computer science and intelligent robotics where a new approach of integrating principles of embodiment, situation and interaction will be pursued to address future challenges for safe human-robot environments.
This project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Project Manager: Dr. S. Magg
Associates: Chandrakant Bothe, Egor Lakomkin, Mohammad Zamani
Details: European Training Network "SECURE"
Cross-modal Learning (CROSS)
Coordinators: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Prof. Dr. J. Zhang
Collaborators: Prof. Dr. B. Röder, Prof. Dr. A. K. Engel
Details: CROSS Project
Echo State Networks for Developing Language Robots (EchoRob)
Leading Investigator: Dr. X. Hinaut, Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Associates: J. Twiefel, Dr. S. Magg
Details: EchoRob Project
Cooperating Robots (CoRob)
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Associates: Dr. M. Borghetti, Dr. S. Magg, Dr. C. Weber
Details: CoRob Project
Neural-Network-based Action-Object Semantics for Assistive Robotics
Gestures and Reference Instructions for Deep robot learning (GRID)
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Associates: P. Barros, Dr. S. Magg, Dr. C. Weber
Details: Grid Project
Teaching With Interactive Reinforcement Learning (TWIRL)
Reinforcement Learning has been a very useful approach, but often works slowly, because of large-scale exploration. A variant of RL, that tries to improve speed of convergence, and that has been rarely used until now is Interactive Reinforcement Learning (IRL), that is, RL is supported by a human trainer who gives some directions on how to tackle the problem.
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Associates: F. Cruz, Dr. S. Magg, Dr. C. Weber
Details: TWIRL Project
Cross-modal Interaction in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems (CINACS)
Spokesperson CINACS: Prof. Dr. J. Zhang
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Dr. C. Weber
Associates: J. Bauer, J. D. Chacón, J. Kleesiek
Details: CINACS Project
Cognitive Assistive Systems (CASY)
Spokesperson CASY: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Prof. Dr. J. Zhang, Prof. Dr. C. Habel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Menzel
Details: CASY Project
Neuro-inspired Human-Robot Interaction
The aim of the research of the Knowledge Technology Group is to contribute to fundamental research in offering functional models for testing neuro-cognitive hypotheses about aspects of human communication, and in providing efficient bio-inspired methods to produce robust controllers for a communicative robot that successfully engages in human-robot interaction.
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Dr. C. Weber
Associates: S. Heinrich, D. Jirak, S. Magg
Details: HRI Project
Robotics for Development of Cognition (RobotDoC)
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Dr. C. Weber
Associates: N. Navarro, J. Zhong
Details: RobotDoC Project
Knowledgeable SErvice Robots for Aging (KSERA)
The main aim is to design a pleasant, easy-to-use and proactive socially assistive robot (SAR) that uses context information obtained from sensors in the older person's home to provide useful information and timely support at the right place.
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Dr. C. Weber
Associates: N. Meins, W. Yan
Details: KSERA Project
What it Means to Communicate (NESTCOM)
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter
Associates: Dr. M. Knowles, M. Page
Details: NESTCOM Project
Midbrain Computational and Robotic Auditory Model for focused hearing (MiCRAM)
We collaboratively develop a biologically plausible computational model of auditory processing at the level of the inferior colliculus (IC). This approach will potentially clarify the roles of the multiple spectral and temporal representations that are present at the level of the IC and investigate how representations of sounds interact withauditory processing at that level to focus attention and select sound sources for robot models of focused hearing.
Leading Investigator: Prof. Dr. S. Wermter, Dr. H. Erwin
Associates: Dr. J. Liu, Dr. M. Elshaw
Details: MiCRAM Project
Biomimetic Multimodal Learning in a Mirror Neuron-based Robot (MirrorBot)
This project develops and studies emerging embodied representation based on mirror neurons. New techniques including cell assemblies, associative neural networks, Hebbian-type learning associate visual, auditory and motor concepts. The basis of the research is an examination of the emergence of representations of actions, perceptions, conceptions, and language in a MirrorBot, a biologically inspired neural robot equipped with polymodal associative memory.
Details: MirrorBot Project