KI-SIGS: AI Space for Intelligent Health Systems - AP390.1: Detection of Whole-body Posture and Movement
KI-SIGS is a project government-funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie that aims to create an AI space for intelligent health systems in collaboration with the University of Bremen, University of Lübeck, University of Kiel and the University of Hamburg as well as medical technology companies and university clinics in Northern Germany. Examples for intelligent health systems are adaptive medical systems and robot assistance systems, but also systems for smart living at home. The Knowledge Technology group focusses on the robot assistance systems, especially on the detection of whole-body posture and movement.
Physiotherapy plays an important role in the recovery process of a patient after an injury as well as in the prevention of such. Therefore, an intelligent system will be designed that is able to assist patients with their physiotherapy by recognising the patients movements and poses.
The intelligent system will give feedback, whether the patient has correctly executed the exercise or - if not - inform the patient how to do so by correcting his or her pose and/or movement. The intelligence of the system will be based on machine learning, more specifically on deep learning with convolutional neural networks.
Duration: April 1st, 2020 - March 31th, 2023
Pls: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Philipp Allgeuer, Dr. Matthias Kerzel
General Project Context:
Physiotherapy plays an important role in the recovery process of a patient after an injury as well as in the prevention of such. Therefore, an intelligent system will be designed that is able to assist patients with their physiotherapy by recognising the patients movements and poses.
The intelligent system will give feedback, whether the patient has correctly executed the exercise or - if not - inform the patient how to do so by correcting his or her pose and/or movement. The intelligence of the system will be based on machine learning, more specifically on deep learning with convolutional neural networks.
Duration: April 1st, 2020 - March 31th, 2023
Pls: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Associates: Dr. Philipp Allgeuer, Dr. Matthias Kerzel
General Project Context: