If you search for current literature e.g. articles and conference papers, we recommend as a first step
Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of journal articles, technical reports, preprints, theses, books, and other documents. Because many of Google Scholar's search results link to commercial journal articles, you will be able to access the electronic version of an article only if the university libraries paid the licence fee for this journal. You may have to connect to the University’s VPN to get full access to licenced articles. Please find more information to the access conditions for members and students of the University of Hamburg here.
If you only get access to the abstract and the citation details of an article you have to look for the printed version of this journal located in a library via the library catalogues.
But: A significant problem with Google Scholar is the secrecy about its coverage. Google Scholar does not publish a list of scientific journals crawled, and the frequency of its updates is unknown. That is why the database can not be compared with specific commercial databases like Web of Science.
Google Scholar is an valuable supplement for your own research but doesn't replace the classical reference databases.
A list of licensed databases can be obtained via Digital Library / Databases.