Kick-Off Meeting
On March 3rd, 2023, the TRAIL project was officially kicked off in an online meeting attended by scientific and industrial partners.
The meeting began with an introduction to the principles of TRAIL from the coordinator Stefan Wermter (UHAM) and the University of Hamburg as coordinator and partner of the project, after which all partners introduced themselves with a short presentation. Cornelius Weber (UHAM) continued with a presentation of the work packages and deliverables of the project, followed by an overview of the EU regulations for recruitment and the eligibility of candidates by Stefan Wermter.
Angelo Cangelosi (UMAN) introduced the secondments and training events planned for the project. The project will alternate between Learning Circle Activities, where the doctoral candidates (DCs) will work on tasks in small groups, and NET Workshops, where the DCs will present their results as well as participate in workshop talks by external speakers. DCs will have the opportunity to gather experience during scientific and industrial secondments.
Sabine Baars (UHAM) discussed the Consortium Agreement and its current state. Afterward, Guillem Alenyá (CSIC) gave a talk on the Ethics procedures, which require each partner to acquire ethical approval from their local ethics commission before each experiment involving human participants.
Igor Farkas continued with a talk on the planned dissemination of project results.
The kick-off meeting was concluded with a discussion of the upcoming deliverables, as well as the time and place of the first NET1 workshop.