AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects
Christian Wilms and Simone Frintrop
ACCV 2018 (accepted as oral)
We propose a novel approach for class-agnostic object proposal generation, which is efficient and especially well-suited to detect small objects. Efficiency is achieved by scale-specific objectness attention maps which focus the processing on promising parts of the image and reduce the amount of sampled windows strongly. This leads to a system, which is 33% faster than the state-of-the-art and clearly outperforming state-of-the-art in terms of average recall. Secondly, we add a module for detecting small objects, which are often missed by recent models. We show that this module improves the average recall for small objects by about 53%.
The figure shows the result of FastMask (middle) and the proposed AttentionMask (right) on small objects, highlighting one strength of AttentionMask to detect small objects very well. The filled colored contours denote found objects, while the red contours denote missed objects.