GI VR/AR 2024
18 September 2024, by HCI-UHH

Photo: Lucie Kruse
This year, the GI VR/AR - the workshop of the special interest group Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) of
the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) - took place in Hamburg. It was organized by Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke from UHH, and Prof. Dr. Eike Langbehn from HAW.
This year, our group presented two papers:
- Make Me Run: The Effects of an Immersive Learning Experience on Physical Running Exercise (Nazife Ertugrul, Lucie Kruse and Frank Steinicke)
- Investigating the Impact of Virtual Hand Realism on Embodiment and Redirection Sensitivity in Virtual Reality (Judith Hartfill, Mats Schrader and Frank Steinicke)
Furthermore, in the HCI practical course this year (organized by Lucie Kruse), 28 students have engaged with the topic of mental health. Based on the COGITO app from UKE, they implemented small self-help exercises in virtual reality in an interactive and immersive manner and conducted initial usability tests. This resulted in 9 very different prototypes, which were subsequently presented at the GI VR/AR in short presentations and as posters. Videos of the prototypes and brief descriptions are available on our project page.