The LT group has a strong focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) and Annotation for various tasks and settings. We teach how to derive meaning from text or speech, which involves a lot of algorithms that can be adapted to other fields as well. The advantage of learning these algorithms in a NLP setting is that it is apparent when a program or algorithm does not work -- it will produce nonsense, which is easier to spot when the output is text or language.
Furthermore, we also teach lectures that are part of the curriculum for all students, e.g. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, and offer project works for BA as well as MA students.
In many of our seminars or projects, students work in groups to create interesting demos and applications, that utilize Machine Learning and NLP techniques. Visualization and good presentation play an important role here. A lot of these projects mature to real applications that are presented to the scientific world.
We offer to our students interesting topics that allow them to work in our projects and doing real scientific work. This involves close collaboration with the LT group, so the students get a lot of support and input in regular meetings.