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Language Technology


Atom-feed of current news
LT|16 May 2024
ACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT members

The ACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT members:

Viktor Moskvoretskii, Ekaterina Neminova, Alina...
LT|22 February 2024
LREC-COLING 2024 accepts 7 papers from LT members

The LREC 2024 Conference has accepted 7 papers  co-authored by LT members

Ahmad Shallouf, Hanna...
Veranstaltung|26 October 2023
Participation in ERC Synergy Grant CultCryo

Whether in logistics, science or air conditioning in the home - the possibility of artificial...

Publication|23 October 2023
Paper Accepted in Language Resources and Evaluation (LREV)

The following paper has been accepted and available online in Language Resources & Evaluation:

LT|21 September 2023
GSCL master's thesis award 2023 goes to Florian Schneider

Every two years the German Society for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (GSCL)...

LT|17 July 2023
Two papers accepted at ECAI 2023

The '26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence' (ECAI 2023) accepted the following papers:

LT|9 May 2023
Two papers accepted at ACL 2023

The 'The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics' (ACL 2023) accepted...

LT|15 February 2023
CodeAnno accepted for EACL System Demonstrations

The CodeAnno demo paper was accepted for the The 17th Conference of the European Chapter
of the...

LT|1 September 2022
LT Group will co-organize the AfriSenti-SemEval shared task (Task 12)

LT Group, in collaboration with Masakhane, HausaNLP (Nigeria), ICT4D Research group (Ethiopia), and...

LT|8 July 2022
New Book on Text Mining

The second edition of the German standard textbook on Text Mining. "Wissensrohstoff Text", finally...

Saba Anwar
PhD Student
LT Research Group
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, Room F-415
22527 Hamburg