News2 December 2024|LTCOLING 2025 accepts 3 papers from LT membersWe are delighted to announce that COLING 2025 has accepted a total of three papers from members of our research group. Tadesse Destaw Belay, Israel...23 September 2024|LTEMNLP 2024 accepts 4 papers from LT membersWe are delighted to announce that EMNLP 2024 has accepted a total of four papers from members of our research group. Hans Ole Hatzel, Chris Biemann:...16 May 2024|LTACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT membersThe ACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT members: Viktor Moskvoretskii, Ekaterina Neminova, Alina Lobanova, Alexander Panchenko, Irina Nikishina:...22 February 2024|LTLREC-COLING 2024 accepts 7 papers from LT membersThe LREC 2024 Conference has accepted 7 papers co-authored by LT members Ahmad Shallouf, Hanna Herasimchyk, Mikhail Salnikov, Rudy Garrido Veliz,...26 October 2023|VeranstaltungParticipation in ERC Synergy Grant CultCryoWhether in logistics, science or air conditioning in the home - the possibility of artificial cooling has a fundamental influence on the world we live...23 October 2023|PublicationPaper Accepted in Language Resources and Evaluation (LREV)The following paper has been accepted and available online in Language Resources & Evaluation: Anwar, S., Shelmanov, A., Arefyev, N., Panchenko, A.,...21 September 2023|LTGSCL master's thesis award 2023 goes to Florian Schneider Every two years the German Society for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (GSCL) awards the best bachelor and master thesis. At the...17 July 2023|LTTwo papers accepted at ECAI 2023The '26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence' (ECAI 2023) accepted the following papers: "Using Self-Supervised Dual Constraint...9 May 2023|LTTwo papers accepted at ACL 2023The 'The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics' (ACL 2023) accepted the following demo paper and short findings paper...15 February 2023|LTCodeAnno accepted for EACL System DemonstrationsThe CodeAnno demo paper was accepted for the The 17th Conference of the European Chapterof the Association for Computational Linguistics (System...1 September 2022|LTLT Group will co-organize the AfriSenti-SemEval shared task (Task 12) LT Group, in collaboration with Masakhane, HausaNLP (Nigeria), ICT4D Research group (Ethiopia), and other researchers working on low-resource NLP...8 July 2022|LTNew Book on Text Mining The second edition of the German standard textbook on Text Mining. "Wissensrohstoff Text", finally has entered the bookstores. The book, authored by...7 July 2022|LTStudent group receives UHH excellence fundingPhoto: LTAli Ebrahimi Pourasad, Daniel Djahangir, Robert Geislinger and Deniz Gül were selected to receive the prestigious and competitive funding from the...20 June 2022|LTBest Student Paper Award at DESRIST 2022As a part of the INSTANT project, the LT Group collaborated with the WISTS Group on the topic of utilising AI in the area of online customer service...14 June 2022|LTLT goes beyond research, glorious success in CricketCricket which is a very popular sport in England, India, Australia, etc., is becoming quite popular in Europe as well. Abhik Jana, a member of LT is...26 April 2022|PublicationA Paper Accepted at Semantic Web JournalThe following survey paper is accepted for the special issue 'Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs' of Semantic Web Journal: Sevgili, Ö., Shelmanov,...6 April 2022|PublicationFour papers accepted at LREC 2022The ' 13th Edition of its Language Resources and Evaluation Conference - LREC 2022' has accepted the following papers: Meriem Beloucif, Seid Muhie...1 April 2022|PublicationTwo Papers Accepted at SIGIR 2022The '45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval' accepted the following demo and short papers...24 February 2022|PublicationA Paper Accepted at ACL 2022The ‘60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2022)’ accepted the following paper: LexGLUE: A Benchmark Dataset for...1 December 2021|BetriebHouse of Computing and Data Science foundedThe House of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) was officially founded on December 1, 2021. Under the direction of Chris Biemann, the HCDS enables and...Show all news