NET2 Workshop and Midterm Meeting in Barcelona
22. April 2024, von Theresa Pekarek Rosin
Foto: UHH Knowledge Technology
The second meeting of the TRAIL project took place in Barcelona between April 22nd and April 23rd. The principal investigators of all partner institutions, all recruited DCs, as well as a selection of associated partners attended the workshop.
On the 22nd, the DCs had the opportunity to present their research progress and the results of the second learning circle activity (LCA2 - Scientific Review). In the afternoon we visited the Robotic Manipulation Lab and Guillem Alenyà's team showed their current work with exciting demos.
On the 23rd of April we had our Midterm Meeting with our EU Project Officer Dana Weintraub. The PIs presented an overview of the first year of the project, and the DCs presented their research focus.
The meeting was a great success for all involved and provided us with valuable feedback for our future research.
For more information on the event, please visit "NET2: Learning Robots".