5 July 2017, by Reinhard Zierke
Volkswagen Foundation funds extension for new/s/leak project
In order to increase usability of our software prototype and to perform extensions to better access content, the VW Foundation has funded an extension to the new/s/leak project.
During the next months, we will extend our leak document collection browsing tool "new/s/leak" together with our application partner, DER SPIEGEL.
Blog: http://www.newsleak.io/
Demo: http://ltbev.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/newsleak/#/ (use Chrome browser!)
- Müller, M., Ballweg, K. von Landesberger, T., Yimam, S.M., Fahrer, U., Biemann, C., Rosenbach, M., Regneri, M., Ulrich, H. (2017). Guidance for Multi-Type Entity Graphs from Text Collections. EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2017, Barcelona, Spain https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/lt/publications/2017-mueller-eurova-newsleak-guidance.pdf
- Yimam, S.M., Ulrich, H., von Landesberger, T., Rosenbach, M., Regneri, M., Panchenko, A., Lehmann, F., Fahrer, U., Biemann, C. and Ballweg, K. (2016): new/s/leak – Information Extraction and Visualization for an Investigative Data Journalists. ACL 2016 Demo Session, Berlin, Germany http://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P16/P16-4028.pdf
- Ballweg K., Zouhar F., Wilhelmi-Dworski P., von Landesberger T., Fahrer U., Panchenko A., Yimam S.M. Biemann C., Regneri M., Ulrich H. (2016) new/s/leak – A Tool for Visual Exploration of Large Text Document Collections in the Journalistic Domain. Workshop on Visualization in Practice as part of IEEE VIS Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, http://www.gris.tu-darmstadt.de/research/vissearch/publications/pdf/ballweg2016VIP.pdf
- Lehmann, F. (2016) new/s/leak – Anforderungsanalyse einer interaktiven Vi- sualisierung für Data-Driven Journalism. INFORMATIK 2016, LNI, Gesell- schaft für Informatik, pp. 2113-2125, Klagenfurt, Austria. http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings259/2113.pdf