André van Hoorn has passed away
8 June 2024, by SWK
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn has passed on June 8th, 2024 following a serious illness.
We regret to announce the passing of André van Hoorn on June 8th, 2024 following a serious illness.
André van Hoorn had been a senior researcher in the Software Engineering and Construction Methods research group at the department of informatics since September 2021, and was head of the group since 2023. He previously worked at the universities of Oldenburg, Kiel and Stuttgart.
In his research, he mainly studied the quantitative analysis of performance and other quality criteria in complex and distributed software systems. He was a highly valued member of the national and international communities on software engineering and software architecture. In particular, he was a member of the steering committees of SPEC research and the ICPE conference, and was regularly engaged with ECSA and other conferences.
He was always committed to teaching and supervising students. Furthermore, he introduced school classes to areas of computer science beyond programming in his "SeaSchool" project.
A book of condolences is available at Department of Informatics, Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, 22527 Hamburg in room D-224. An online alternative has also been set up:
To support André's family, a donation campaign has been set up at Any contribution is highly appreciated. Thank you. (While the website is in German only, international contributions are possible and welcome via PayPal or credit card.)
We will miss him immensely.