News from SWK Working Group1 October 2024|SWKSebastian Werner appointed as acting head of SWKSebastian Werner leads the SWK research group in winter semester 2024/2025 and summer semester 2025.1 July 2024|Studies and TeachingTeaching in the upcoming semestersAn update on the planned teaching activities by research group SWK.8 June 2024|SWKTrauer um André van HoornPhoto: SWK, Universität HamburgProf. Dr.-Ing André van Hoorn ist am 8. Juni 2024 infolge schwerer Krankheit verstorben.8 June 2024|SWKAndré van Hoorn has passed awayPhoto: SWK, Universität HamburgProf. Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn has passed on June 8th, 2024 following a serious illness.23 April 2024|InternationalDoctoral researchers from Argentina visit SWKDoctoral fellows from Argentina undertake research stay in SWK research group at Universität Hamburg25 March 2024|ResearchThree new research projectsSWK receives funding for three new research projects.1 March 2024|ResearchSWK at the SE 2024 conferenceOur group was involved with the SE 2024 conference in Linz, Austria9 February 2024|Studies and TeachingA three-week school internship in the SWK working groupLevi Schnorr was so kind to write a short report about his school internship in our working group: My Three-Week School Internship in the Field of...8 December 2023|ResearchAttendance at the APSEC 2023 conferencePaula Rachow presented a research paper at the APSEC conference in Seoul, Korea13 October 2023|EventParticipation at the OODACH Meeting in HamburgSWK researchers attended OODACH at WPS in Hamburg, October 12–13, 202328 September 2023|EventSWK Research Retreat in AschebergThe annual SWK research retreat took place on September 26–28, 2023.18 September 2023|ResearchAttendance at ECSA '23 in IstanbulTwo papers of the SWK research group have been presented at the ECSA conference.5 July 2023|EventCozy SWK BBQ Despite Hurricane WarningThe annual BBQ for staff and students at research group SWK took place on July 5, 2023.15 June 2023|EventSeaSchool Workshop at Europaschule Aldegrever-Gymnasium in SoestSeaSchool workshop engages over 100 highschool students on June 14–15, 202319 April 2023|ResearchAttendance at 14th ACM/SPEC ICPE in CoimbraMembers of the SWK group recently attended the 14th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), which took place in Coimbra...18 April 2023|Studies and TeachingSix of our students earned the CPSA-F certificate from iSAQBCongratulations to six students for earning the CPSA-F certificate from iSAQB.31 March 2023|Studies and TeachingTeaching in the upcoming semestersAn update on the planned teaching activities by research group SWK.24 February 2023|ResearchPresentations and awards at the SE 2023 conferenceAt the SE 2023 conference, the SWK team presented two research articles, and two of our students participated successfully in the Student Research...24 January 2023|SWKNachruf Matthias RiebischIm Alter von 59 Jahren ist Matthias Riebisch überraschend nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit verstorben. 11 January 2023|SWKMourning the death of Matthias RiebischWith great sadness, we report the loss of Matthias Riebisch, who passed away on January 11th, 2023.Show all news