Teaching in the upcoming semesters
1 July 2024, by SWK
An update on the planned teaching activities by research group SWK.
Following the loss of André van Hoorn, the SWK research group can only provide limited teaching in the upcoming semester(s).
For the winter semester 2024/2025 we will offer:
- bachelor course Projektmanagement (InfB-PM)
- bachelor course Software Engineering – Einführung (InfB-SEE)
- master course Software Architecture (InfM-SWA)
- advanced seminar Software Engineering, Architecture, and Quality
It is still open, whether we could additionally offer:
- project with integrated seminar Werkzeuggestützte Softwarearchitekturanalyse (InfM-Proj)
UPDATE: This course is not offered.
For the summer semester 2025, we hope to offer:
- bachelor course Softwareentwicklung II (InfB-SE 2)
- bachelor course Softwareentwurf (InfB-SEW)
- master course Quantitative Analysis of Software Architectures (InfM-QASA)
- advanced seminar Software Engineering, Architecture, and Quality
However this may change depending on the available resources and personnel.
Other former SWK courses, e.g., Software Reengineering (InfM-SRE) and Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung (InfM-MBSE), are currently not offered.
Furthermore, also our ressources for supervision of theses and studies is severely limited.
Please see our Courses and Theses pages for more information and who to contact in case you have any questions.