Matthias Riebisch
Chair of the Working Group SWK
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Riebisch
With great sadness, we report the loss of Matthias Riebisch, who passed away on January 11th, 2023.
Short Biography
1984-1988 Diploma Studies: Automation Engineering at IFA, Dresden University of Technology (IFA Institut für Automatisierungstechik, Technische Universität Dresden)
1988-1992 PhD Studies at Ilmenau University of Technology, Dept. Computer Science, Thesis: "Reusablity of Process Control Software Based on Semi-Formal Descriptions" (Wiederverwendung prozeßnaher Software auf der Basis halbformaler Beschreibungsmittel) - available from the Ilmenau library
1993-1996 Research Assistant at Ilmenau University of Technology, Dept. Process Informatics
Working areas: object-oriented technologies, software quality management
1996-1998 Project leader and chief architect in large industrial software projects for Deutsche Post AG Informationstechologie, Düsseldorf; Working areas: project management, software & systems architectures, software quality management
1999-2012 Assistant Professor at Ilmenau University of Technology, Dept. Software Systems/Process Informatics
2004 Habilitation Thesis "Evolution and Composition of Software Systems" (Evolution und Komposition von Softwaresystemen) - online publication
Since March 2012 Full Professor at the University of Hamburg, Department of Informatics, Software Development and Software Construction Methods Group (SWK)
Research Interests
Enabling Change in Complex Software Systems:
Complex software systems have to follow constantly changing requirements. Their dependability and reliability has to be maintained over long periods. In practice, software changes often lead to a decline of quality characteristics such as maintainability, flexibility, clarity, reliability and efficiency. Incomplete an inadequate changes lead to damages of the structure. Such effects are also known as architectural decay or entropy loss. A close linkage between forward and reverse engineering methods and techniques, and an enforced use of models should help to avoid such effects. By maintaining the evolvability of the software systems, a permanent further development can be achieved. Furthermore, the methods enable an improved tool support and an increased efficiency of the software development.
The evolutionary development of software systems requires models as the basis for the development activities. Linking the models of requirements, architectures and implementation are particularly essential to solve complex tasks. Traceability links have proved to be an important means to maintain the consistency of the models of different views, which are necessary to manage the complexity. The descriptions used must be based on a sound basis, and they have to be supported by adequate development methods. The bridging of the transition between requirements specification and architectural models which is often referred to as a semantic gap, demands for special methods and models, as well as for an explicit representation of traceability links and dependency relationships.
The research is applied the domains of embedded systems, especially for production, automotive and telecommunication systems, for logistics as well as for high-performance compting and data-intensive applications.
The following, partially overlapping, fields of Software Engineering are targets of my research:
- Model Driven Development
- Model Driven Architectures MDA
- Domain-Specific Languages DSL
- Software Architectures
- Architectural Decisions
- Impact Analysis
- Software Reusability
- Domain Engineering
- Components, Frameworks & Patterns
- Product Lines
- Evolvability of Software
- Traceability
- Versioning
- Software Development Processes
- Reengineering
- Program Comprehension
- Certification
- Requirements Engineering
- Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering
- Domain Engineering
- Formalization of Requirements
- Languages
- Domain Specific Languages
- Modelling Languages
- Model Integration & Semantics
- Metadata - Thesauri - Taxonomies - Ontologies
- Information Integration
- Architecture & Modelling of Information Systems
- Process Management & Organization
- Maturity of Software Development Processes, Methods and Organizations
- Coordination of Development Processes
- Product Line Processes
- Distributed Development
- Software Quality Management
- Test Automation
- Performance Engineering in Software Development Processes
- Software Certification
- Best Practice Management
- Information Security
- Security by Design
Publications of my work are listed together with most PDFs on the publications website of the research group
Within University of Hamburg, Faculty Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences MIN and Department of Informatics (in German to avoid ambiguities):
Vorstand des FB Informatik - verantwortlich für Sachmittel
Fachbereichsrat Informatik - Mitglied
MIN-Fakultätsrat - stellv. Mitglied
MIN-Promotionsausschuss - stellv. Mitglied
Fach-Promotionsausschuss Informatik - stellv. Vorsitzender
Ausschuss zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (Graduiertenförderungsausschuss) - stellv. Mitglied
Gemeinsame Kommission Wirtschaftsinformatik - stellv. Mitglied
Prüfungsausschuss BSc Informatik - stellv. Vorsitzender
Prüfungsausschuss MSc Informatik - stellv. Vorsitzender
Prüfungsausschuss Diplom Informatik - stellv. Mitglied
Dezentraler Prüfungsausschuss Lehramt Informatik - stellv. Mitglied
ERASMUS programme - Departmental Coordinator for Cooperation with INSA Toulouse
Informatisches Kolloquium - Informatics Colloquium - Co-organizer
Related to Research
Data Science in Hamburg HELMHOLTZ Graduate School for the Structure of the Matter DASHH - Principal Investigator (PI)
Steering Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture ICSA - member
Within German Computer Society - Gesellschaft für Informatik
Department Software Engineering - Fachbereich Softwaretechnik - Member of Board
Special Interest Group on Software Architectures - Fachgruppe Architekturen - Member of Board
Joint Group on Modeling - Querschnittsfachausschuss Modellierung - Member of Board
Working group on Traceability / Evolution - Arbeitskreis Traceability / Evolution - Leader
Initiative - Mentor