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Language Technology


Atom-feed of current news
LT|16 May 2024
ACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT members

The ACL 2024 accepts 3 papers from LT members:

Viktor Moskvoretskii, Ekaterina Neminova, Alina...
LT|22 February 2024
LREC-COLING 2024 accepts 7 papers from LT members

The LREC 2024 Conference has accepted 7 papers  co-authored by LT members

Ahmad Shallouf, Hanna...
Veranstaltung|26 October 2023
Participation in ERC Synergy Grant CultCryo

Whether in logistics, science or air conditioning in the home - the possibility of artificial...

Publication|23 October 2023
Paper Accepted in Language Resources and Evaluation (LREV)

The following paper has been accepted and available online in Language Resources & Evaluation:

LT|21 September 2023
GSCL master's thesis award 2023 goes to Florian Schneider

Every two years the German Society for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (GSCL)...

LT|17 July 2023
Two papers accepted at ECAI 2023

The '26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence' (ECAI 2023) accepted the following papers:

LT|9 May 2023
Two papers accepted at ACL 2023

The 'The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics' (ACL 2023) accepted...

LT|15 February 2023
CodeAnno accepted for EACL System Demonstrations

The CodeAnno demo paper was accepted for the The 17th Conference of the European Chapter
of the...

LT|1 September 2022
LT Group will co-organize the AfriSenti-SemEval shared task (Task 12)

LT Group, in collaboration with Masakhane, HausaNLP (Nigeria), ICT4D Research group (Ethiopia), and...

LT|8 July 2022
New Book on Text Mining

The second edition of the German standard textbook on Text Mining. "Wissensrohstoff Text", finally...

Chris Biemann

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Chris Biemann
Language Technology Group
Informatikum, Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
22527, Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 42883 2386