Invited Talks
- "Interaktive Entitätennetzwerke zur Informationserschließung". Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Germany, Workshop „Was ist Forschung?“, November 2019
- "Interactive Entity Networks for Information Access to Text". 2nd FORTEXT Workshop, U Hamburg, Germany, July 2019
- "Sprachtechnologische Ansätze zur automatischen Erkennung psychologischer Merkmale und psychischer Krankheiten". With Dirk Johannßen. Ringvorlesung Gesundheit verstehen – Digital Humanities im Dialog, U Hamburg, July 2019
- "Interpretable Adaptive Language Technology". Dialogue Conference Keynote, Moscow, Russia, May 2019
- "Deep Learning, Neuronal Networks and Word Embedding for Computer-Aided Psychometric Text Analysis". With Dirk Johannßen. CAPTA Workshop, Nordakademie, Hamburg, Germany, April 2019
- "User-Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", U Heidelberg, ILCC Seminar, Germany, January 2019
- "User-Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", Universität Edinburgh, UK, Research Seminar, November 2018
- "User-Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", Universität Copenhagen, Denmark, COASTAL Seminar, November 2018
- "Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", Invited Keynote Speech @IC2IT 14th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, Chiangmai, Thailand, July 2018
- "Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", Leuphana-U Lüneburg, Research Seminar, June 2018
- "Adaptive Interpretable Language Technology", INRIA Lille, MAGNET seminar, May 2018
- "Argumentation in Comparative Question Answering (ACQuA)", SPP-RATIO Kickoff Meeting, Bielefeld, April 2018
- "Semantic Models for Semantic Annotation", Forschungskolloquium E-Humanities, U Hamburg, November 2017
- "Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz?", Keynote, Bitkom TechTouch: Digitale Assistenten und künstliche Intelligenz, Berlin, November 2017
- "Data Extraction and Interactive Visualization of Unexplored Textual Datasets for Investigative Data-Driven Journalism - Network of Searchable Leaks". SciCAR, Dortmund, September 2017
- "A Cognitive Computing Approach to Language Technology", Hamburg AI meetup, May 2017
- "Adaptive Natural Language Processing with Graph-based Distributional Semantics". University of Pisa, Italy, March 2017
- "Let your Computer Evolve its Language!". Social Media Week Hamburg, February 2017
- "Adaptive Natural Language Processing", U Tübingen, January 2017
- "Vectors or Graphs? On Differences of Representations for Distributional Semantic Models", CogALex-V 2016: COLING Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon, Osaka, Japan, December 2016 (slides)
- "Context-Adaptive Natural Language Processing", Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (A.v.Humboldt Foundation), Potsdam, Germany, October 2016
- "WebAnno3: Semantische Annotation für Digital Humanities", CLARIN-D F-AG7 Meeting, Heidelberg, June 2016
- "Adaptive Methoden in der Sprachtechnologie", Vortragsabend "Suche ist nicht gleich Suche!" GI/ACM-Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main, June 2016
- "Natural Language Processing with Cognitive Computing", Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (A.v.Humboldt Foundation), Shenzhen, China, April 2016
- "The rise of the thinking machines" Panel, Hub Conference, Berlin, Germany, December 2015
- "Adaptive Natural Language Processing", GSCL 2015, Duisburg-Essen: Invited Talk, September 2015
- "Distributionelle Semantik", Hochschule Würzburg, Cognitive Computing Talk Series (GI), May 2015
- "Cognitive Computing – Segen oder Fluch?", TU Darmstadt, Forum interdisziplinäre Forschung, May 2015
- "Textverstehen mit Distributioneller Semantik", University of Hamburg, Germany, April 2015
- "JoBimText – Statistische Semantik in Theorie und Praxis TU Dresden", 5. Korpuslinguistik- und Digital Humanities-Tag, Februar 2015
- "Adaptive Natural Language Processing", IBM’s Cognitive Systems Institute External Speaker Series, January 2015
- "Language Technologies and Watson for Education", Cognitive Computing – TU Darmstadt, November 2014
- "Adaptive Sprachtechnologie, oder: Semantik aus dem Wasserhahn", Fraunhofer IAIS, Bonn, September 2014
- "Textverstehen mit Distributioneller Semantilk", IBM Watson Workshop, Ehningen, Juli 2014
- "Textverstehen mit Distributioneller Semantik", Universität Bonn, Juni 2014
- "JoBimText – Text Understanding by Distributional Semantics", IBM's Academic Days Conference, Milano, Italy, May 2014
- "Statistical Semantics in Theory and Practice", Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, March 2014
- "Language Model Processes", Universität Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2013
- "Annotation textueller Ressourcen – Die Annotationsplattform „WebAnno“". 2nd CLARIN-D F-AG Disseminationsworkshop - Digitale Ressourcen, Anwendungsszenarien und 'Best Practices', Mediencampus Leipzig, September 2013
- "WebAnno - A flexible, web-based, and visually supported system for distributed annotation", CLARIN-D M24 Workshop, Nijmegen, NL, June 2013
- "The JoBimText Project: Linking Distributional Semantics to Ontologies", Fak. für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Universität Mannheim, May 2013
- "Quantifying Semantics and Contextualizing Distributional Similarity", IIT Kharagpur, India, December 2012
- "Structure Discovery in Natural Language – unsupervised language-independent methods", The Language Archive, MPI Nijmegen, NL, November 2012
- "Text: Now in 2D! - From Distributional To Contextual Similarity", Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA, September 2012
- "Text: Now in 2D! - From Distributional To Contextual Similarity", ETS, Princeton, NJ, USA, September 2012
- "The JoBim Text - From Distributional Semantics to the Web of Knowledge", IBM Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, USA, September 2012
- "Lexical Substitution using Crowdsourcing", IBM Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, USA, July 2011
- "Lexical Substitution using Crowdsourcing", UKP lab, TU Darmstadt, Germany, November 2010
- "Structure Discovery in Natural Language in application to lexical substitution", TU Darmstadt, Germany, November 2010
- "Lexikalische Substitution mit Hilfe von Crowdsourcing". University of Regensburg, Germany, November 2010
- "Similarity and Ambiguity in Language Graphs". Microsoft Research, Mountain View, California, USA, January 2010
- "Unüberwachtes Strukturlernen auf Sprachgraphen in der Anwendung für lexikalische Substitution". University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, November 2009
- "Crowdsourcing WordNet". Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA, Sept. 2009
- "Invited Talk: Visual Aspects of Semantic Search on Wikipedia". Mediencampus Leipzig: Workshop Visual Document Analytics. Juni 2009
- "Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation at Powerset". Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India, February 2009 "Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation at Powerset"
- "A Random Text Model for the Generation of Statistical Language Invariants". Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India, February 2009
- "Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation at Powerset". Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA, Sept. 2008
- "Unsupervised and Knowledge-free Natural Language Processing in the Structure Discovery Paradigm", University of Wolverhampton, UK, Sept. 2007
- "Unsupervised and Knowledge-free Natural Language Processing in the Structure Discovery Paradigm", University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, Sept. 2007
- "Unsupervised and Knowledge-free Natural Language Processing in the Structure Discovery Paradigm", ILLC, UvA Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 2007
- "A Random Text Model for the Generation of Statistical Language Invariants and Language Evolution". SFB-Kolloquium Universität Bielefeld Germany, June 2007
- "Korpuslinguistische Methoden im Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz" Kolloquium im Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Neurokognitive Psychologie, FU Berlin, Germany, Dec. 2006
- "Unsupervised Part-of-speech Tagging" Workshop Web-based Corpora and Lexicology, University of Regensburg, Germany, Sept. 2006
- "Language-independent methods for enriching monolingual corpora". New York City NLP-Forum, USA, June 2006
- "Obtaining semantic relations from text corpora in an unsupervised way". Aksis, University of Bergen, Norway, Dec. 2006
- "The Wortschatz Project - Language-independent Methods for Enriching Corpora". Aksis, Universität Bergen, Norway, Oct. 2005
- "Finding homogeneous word sets. Towards a dissertation in NLP". Tekstlaboratoriet, University of Oslo, Norway, Oct. 2005
- "The Wortschatz Project - Language-independent Methods for Enriching Corpora". Tekstlaboratoriet, University of Oslo, Norway, Oct. 2005
- "Using Statistics to Grasp on Semantics". Oberseminar AIFB Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2005
- "SemanticTalk - der Innovationsbeschleuniger", LINTEC AG Hausmesse, Leipzig, Germany, June 2004
- 5 Lectures on statistical NLP, KAIST, Daejon, South Korea, March 2004
- "Lernen durch Suche und Verifikation - Extraktion von semantischen Relationen aus großen Textkorpora". TaCoS studentische Tagung zur Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie, Giessen, Germany, June 2003