Kolloquium So2018
Dr.-Ing. André van Hoorn
University of Stuttgart
When: Mo, 16.07.2018, 17:00
Where: Room B-201
Pipelines, Canaries, Gorillas, and Dolphins? Continuous Engineering of Trustworthy Distributed Software Systems
Language: English or German according to preference
In this talk, I will give an overview of research challenges and my current projects on continuous engineering of trustworthy distributed software systems. Particularly, I will focus on the ORCAS project conducted as part of the Elite Programme of the Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung. In ORCAS, we aim for efficient production-time resilience benchmarking of microservice architectures. Resilience vulnerabilities shall be detected more efficiently, i.e., faster and with fewer resources, by incorporating architectural knowledge as well as knowledge about the relationship between resilience anti-patterns and patterns (such as circuit breakers to tolerate service failures), as well as suitable fault injections. The approach builds on existing works on model-based and measurement-based quality evaluation of software systems.
André van Hoorn is a researcher (Akademischer Rat) with the Institute of Software Technology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he was an interim professor (W3-Vertretungsprofessur) for reliable software systems from 2015 to 2017. He received his Ph.D. degree (with distinction) from Kiel University, Germany (2014) and his Master's degree (Dipl.-Inform.) from the University of Oldenburg, Germany (2007).
André’s research focuses on novel methods, techniques, and tools for designing, operating, and evolving trustworthy distributed software systems. Of particular interest are quality attributes such performance, reliability, and resilience–and how they can be assessed and optimized using a smart combination of model-based and measurement-based approaches. Currently, André investigates challenges and opportunities to apply such approaches in the context of continuous software engineering and DevOps.
André is the principal investigator of several research projects (e.g., funded by DFG, BMBF, and the Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung) including basic and applied research, and is actively involved in community activities, e.g., in the scope of the Research Group of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC). Recently, André served as a PC co-chair of the 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018).
Prof. Dr. Matthias Riebisch