Kolloquium SoSe 2022
Prof. Dr. Roman Beck
IT University, København, Denmark
When: Mo, 05.09.2022, at 17:15
Where: Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal (Room B-201)
We are going to provide a livestream during the lecture. For the access data please register at https://mail-mm01.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/mailman/listinfo/kolloquium.
Token and Sustainability
Language: english
Roman Beck is Full Professor within the BusinessIT department at IT University of Copenhagen. He is Lead Researcher and Head of the European Blockchain Center. As Blockchain economist, his research focuses on the role of changing nature of work due to Blockchain with focus on governance and value creation in decentralized systems. Roman has published over 30 journal and 80 peer-reviewed conference articles in outlets such as Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, and many others. He is the co-conference chair for the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS) 2022. Roman is Head of the Danish ISO TC 307 Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology standardization group and Convenor of ISO TC 307 WG5 Blockchain Governance standardization. He also represents Denmark at the European Blockchain Partnership Technical Steering Group.