Kolloquium SoSe 2023
Prof. Dr.-Ing Hannes Federrath, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Usbeck, Prof. Dr. Judith Simon
When: Mo, 10.07.2022, 17:15 Uhr
Where: Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal (Raum B-201)
Discussion on Harrassment
We invite you to a department-wide discussion on the topic of harrassment.
In preparation for the event, please participate in the following, anonymous harassment survey which will serve as an input for Part 1. The survey will be open until July 7.
We plan to divide the event into three parts of 30 minutes:
Part 1: Input (in English)
5 min | Welcome and Introduction by Hannes Federrath and Judith Simon | ||||||||
5 min | Impulse presentation by Janick Edinger and Ricardo Usbeck: Results of the survey | ||||||||
10 min | Impulse presentation by Henriette Ullmann: Overview of existing services and support offered by the department, the faculty and the UHH | ||||||||
5 min | Impulse presentation by Anne Lauscher: Concrete measures on what to do if you are harassed or witness harassment | ||||||||
5 min | Impulse presentation by the student association (Tom Herrmann, FSR): Measures and outlook of the student council |
Part 2: Breakout groups (in German and English)
30 min | Break into groups to discuss and collect ideas, strategies, needs and next steps |
Part 3: Plenary discussion (in German and English)
Rest of time | Report from the groups followed by planning of concrete next steps. |
We would like to take the opportunity to give everyone space to get involved!