Kolloquium WiSe 2014/15
Dr. Leif Singer - Head of Product at iDoneThis.com, and Affiliate Researcher at the University of Victoria, Canada
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lsinger
When: Monday, 20.10.2014 – 17:15
Where: Room D-125, Informatikum
This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference.
Social Media for Developers: How Tools Shape the Way We Work
Social Media such as Twitter, GitHub, and Stack Overflow have changed how developers work: they get more done in less time and collaborate at unprecedented scale and speed. How and why did this happen, and what other effects followed from this change? To answer these questions, this talk discusses two empirical studies on how developers use GitHub and Twitter, and shows how these sites influence developer behavior.
Speaker biography
Leif is the Head of Product at iDoneThis.com, a startup based in New York City, and an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Victoria in Victoria, Canada. He got his PhD from Leibniz Universität Hannover and currently lives near Hannover in Germany. His research is primarily empirical and qualitative. It is concerned with how people and especially groups collaborate, and how they use the technology we build for them.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Walid Maalej - MOBIS, CSE