Januar 2025
The Future of Prediction. Algorithmic Forecast in Science and Society
Prof. Dr. Elena Esposito, Universität Bielefeld, DE
Öffentliche Vorlesung im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Vorlesungswesens
Taming the Machine
The Ethics in Information Technology Public Lecture Series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in general...
A Fallibilist Approach to AI Value Alignment
Prof. Dr. Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology, NL
Öffentliche Vorlesung im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Vorlesungswesens
Taming the Machine
The Ethics in Information Technology Public Lecture Series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become central to numerous aspects of our lives, and are significantly reshaping them. These include our homes, our workplaces, industries in...
Absolventenverabschiedung der Informatik
Alle Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge sind eingeladen ihren Abschluss nochmals gebührend zu feiern und sich in Robe und Absolventenhut zu fotografieren!